Principal's Message

School Philosophy
Orchard Grove Primary School is committed to providing a safe, nurturing environment that engages curiosity, promotes learning, personal growth, and well-being for all students. We strive to develop adaptability and resilience so students can become valued members of the local and global communities and be prepared for future life experiences.
From the Principal
Welcome to our Week 4 Newsletter!
We are off to a busy start again this term, with our Year 5 and 6 swimming program in its second week and our Year 3 students on camp.
Our parent opinion survey is now open and could I please encourage you all to look up the details on Compass and take a few minutes to complete this for us? The information is used by the school to celebrate what we are doing well and focus on areas of improvement. Speaking of improvement please take some time to look at the NAPLAN sub-page where Andrew Moore has included our 2024 NAPLAN data, results that we are incredibly proud of!
Last Friday we had Jordan Ridley come to our assembly as the first inductee of our OGPS Hall of Fame. Jordan plays for Essendon in the AFL and qualifies as he has reached the highest national level of competition in his sport. We are always looking for ways to inspire our students to dream big, so being able to celebrate others who started at our school is just fantastic. Our next inductee will be presented to the school on the 16th of August at assembly.
Congratulations to our Winter Interschool Football team on winning their way into the Regional rounds. This is the second year in a row that we have won the divisional round. Our Winter Interschool Netball team are off to compete in the Whitehorse Division finals this Friday. Good luck to both of the teams in their next games.
I would also like to congratulate Sadia who represented OGPS and Victoria at the School Sport Australia National swimming titles on the Gold Coast two weeks ago. She received two medals, a silver and a bronze in relay events which is so exciting!
We are all getting super excited about Science Week and the Night under the Stars, Book Week (get those costumes ready!) and the production (next term). Please check Compass for further details of these events, including dates and timelines for ticket releases.
Michelle Ogilvie