Good News: Inside & Outside the Classroom

Inside the Classroom
Ray the Dog Assisting with Student Learning
Assistant Principal Ms Parkhouse's Labrador puppy Ray was at school on Monday 29th of July and was a huge hit with the students.
He had a gold star worthy day in and around the Inclusion Hub and received so many pats, had a couple of naps and assisted student learning.
Anges, Cyruss, Kaleb and Connor were the stars showing him how calm learning and active listening is done.
Thank you Sheri for sharing him with us!
Ms Sheather
Learning Enhancement & Inclusion Leader
Another Batch of Students to Support the Community in First Aid
Wangaratta High School students who study VET Community Services and Sport & Recreation have completed their Senior First Aid and CPR under the guidance of IVET.
Senior First Aid is a key component of both of these VET courses, and an important attribute to have on your resume and to support the community.
Thank you to IVET for their training!
Outside the Classroom
If you haven't had a chance to grab a copy of the Chronicle over the past couple of weeks, here are a couple of articles you may have missed: