Year 3

Ms Sapardanis, Ms Conforto, Ms Crothers, Ms Marshall, Ms Scott & Ms Michetti

Year 3 Newsletter: Term 3 2024


In Writing, students have been learning to provide further detail about the nouns in their stories through the use of noun phrases and appositives. Students have engaged with creating appositives to provide more detail about who the noun is. We have also been exploring first and third person perspective and the language that we can use and look for to determine which perspective is being used. In preparation for writing recounts we have been learning about time connectives such as: before, after that, just at that moment. Students have been using these connectives in sentences and in retelling stories in the correct sequence. 



In Word Work, students have been learning about homophones and understanding that homophones are words that sound the same, but the words are spelt differently and have different meanings. Students put these words in sentences to further their understanding of each word, such as, the words wait/weight. ‘I need to wait my turn.’ and ‘I had to check the weight of the oranges.’


Excitingly, our first Term 3 Knowledge Unit will focus on the Olympics! Students have already learnt about the history of the Olympic games including its origins, compared the Summer and Winter Olympic games and understood the significance of the opening ceremony. After the games commence we will delve deeper into the different sports and famous athletes that have represented Australia over the years. Students will learn the importance of the Olympic values, understand the symbols and rituals associated with the Olympics and learn about ‘Olympism’. We are looking forward to fully immersing ourselves in this uni and can’t wait to watch all the action.


In Mathematics, we have revisited our understanding of place value, focusing on representing 5 digit numbers using MAB, as well as representing them in numerical, expanded and written form. We also used the place value system and number expanders to help us rename numbers. We have begun learning about multiplication using arrays and repeated addition. We have used this skill to help us with our 2s, 3s and 4s multiplication facts. Next, we will use arrays and repeated addition to help us learn division facts of 2s, 3s and 4s. 


Students have also been learning about fractions. They have learned that a fraction is a quantity that is not a whole number and that we can divide collections to show parts of a whole. Students have enjoyed dividing and shading shapes into halves, thirds, quarters, fifths and tenths. We are looking forward to building upon our knowledge in the coming weeks by learning about how fractions can be represented on a bar model and on a number line.


Social and Emotional Learning

In SEL, we have been learning about Gratitude. We looked into who we are grateful for and why and created letters and cards to show our appreciation for those people. We reflected on how it feels to be appreciated and how that gratitude can be passed on to others. We also explored more about Empathy and Friendship. We read through some scenarios where friends were not showing empathy and discussed how the situation could have been different if people made the effort to show empathy towards others.