Assistant Principal's Message

Teacher Drop-ins
It has been another productive fortnight of Teaching and Learning with the next round of our ‘Drop-ins’ commencing. Drop-ins are a short lesson observation (by other staff) which aims to build consistency and collegiality of our amazing teachers. We value the opportunity to share expertise across the school and continually strive to improve the quality of our planning and delivery of lessons. It has been great to see such engaging lessons and well-behaved students as we’ve moved through the school on our learning walks, and it is a great opportunity for our staff to be provided with a positive shout-out about their teaching.
Numbots and Timestables Rockstars
Our students have been utilising these two maths apps which are designed to build fluency and automaticity in the area of counting, number bonds, and the four operations. It has been great to see all of the students in Foundation who have logged in for the first time as they aim to build their early numeracy skills. When logging in to the apps always remember: “Little and often” - 5 minutes 5 days a week is a great goal to aim for!
Congratulations to the Numbot and Rockstar of the month! Juliet from 2A and Blake from 4B logged in for the greatest number of days during the month of July. We are looking out for our next Numbot and Rockstar of the month for effort, improvement, or excellence during August.
If you registered your child for English, Maths or Science they will complete their assessment(s) during the following weeks:
Week 5: English
Week 6: Science
Week 7: Maths
The specific dates and times will be communicated via compass so stay tuned and ensure your child is coming to school each day with their device charged.
Good luck to all the students who entered!
Luke Fletcher
Acting Assistant Principal