Education in Faith

Confirmation Reflection and Preparation Day
Last Thursday the Year 5/6 students traveled into the city by train to St Patrick's Cathedral in preparation for their Confirmation ceremony. The students were truly in awe of this sacred and historic building and had a very special opportunity to tour and learn a little bit about this very special place before haveing a rehearsal time for the sacrament itself.
After the rehearsal, the students walked down to the Mary Mackillop heritage center where they had a wonderful, hands on immersion in what Mary and her order, the Sisters of St Joseph were all about.
There would be very few better examples of someone who embodied the gifts of the Holy Spirit that will be kindled in our candidates through the sacrament of Confirmation.
Our students and staff were all thoroughly inspired by Mary's fierce determination to serve others and share God's love with all.
We were extremely proud of the way our students conducted themseleves on this day, and know that they too will make a great impact as commited and confirmed members of the church.