
This term so far, the Prep and Year One and Two students used spoken and writtenfacial and body parts in Chinese to communicate with teachers and peers. Theypractised basic characters including human 人rén, head 头 tóu , hands 手shǒu and feet 足zú. The students sang along facial and body parts songs and danced to the song Head,Shoulders and Toes in Mandarin.
眼睛(yǎn jīng ) 耳朵(ěr duo) 鼻子(bí zi) 嘴巴(zuǐ bā) 眉毛(méi mao) 牙齿(yá chǐ) 舌头(shé tou)
Year Three above students explored basic Chinese food and the evolution of dim sumsand egg tarts. They learnt how to identify and write common Chinese food includingrice, dumplings, noodles, spring rolls, Chinese pancakes, moon cakes, egg tarts, dim sumand steamed buns.
Year Five and Six students explored Chinese cuisines and food. They produced Chinese Food Posters.