Middle School News-Yr 3/4

Upcoming events: -
Sunday 4th August | First Eucharist Mass | Friday 13th September | Sacrament Year 5/6 Confirmation Mass |
Friday 9th August | Year 3-4 Girls Siena Aspire Program | Wednesday 18th September | Madagascar Production at Genazzano
End of Term Mass at 9.15am |
Monday 19th August | Book Week (Till the 23rd August 2024). | Thursday 19th September | Madagascar Production at Genazzano |
Friday 30th August | Father’s Day Stall | Friday 20th September | Sacrament Year 5/6 Confirmation Mass |
Tuesday 10th September | District Athletics |
Religious Education
The students are developing their understanding of the importance and their responsibility towards the common good for all. They are learning that it is reached when we work together to improve the wellbeing of people in our society and the wider world. They are building their knowledge through identifying how we do not all have the same level and type of access to learning.
As part of our Sacramental program the year 4 students participated in a reflection day facilitated by Gen Bryant. It was an engaging and fun day for all in attendance as the students participated in different tasks strengthening their learning around First Communion.
Many students receive the Sacrament of Eucharist at a beautifully reverent service on Sunday, with the remainder of our students receiving the Sacrament this Sunday 11th
In Inquiry students have been looking at an array of peripheral devices and working out what they were / are used for. We have had some very interesting discussions about the uses of devices such as main frames, floppy disks etc. The Students are mindful of the rapid changes and advances in technology. In the coming weeks, students will be identifying a problem that needs a solution, examples include, too much washing to fold, blunt pencils, can’t find my books in my tub. They will then embark on designing a peripheral device that solves one of these everyday problems.
We are also learning about how technology can support people with disabilities in participating in events such as the Olympics
Our focus over the next couple of weeks is on exploring the fundamental elements and language features of narrative structure. Our students will dive into the art of storytelling, learning how to craft compelling narratives using rich vocabulary and effective language techniques. This exploration will help them understand how to build engaging stories, from captivating beginnings to satisfying conclusions.
Students are diving into the world of multiplication and division! Over the coming weeks, our focus is on building a strong foundation in these essential mathematical skills. Through engaging activities, interactive lessons, and hands-on practice, your child will explore the concepts of multiplying and dividing numbers, understand the relationship between the two operations, and develop problem-solving strategies. We're excited to see their confidence grow as they tackle these important topics.
- Student’s need to bring their charged device everyday.
- Canteen on Monday & Friday, student’s are responsible for their own money.
- Assembly is now held fortnightly on a Friday Morning in the Atrium.
PE Uniform Required
3/4 KM | 3/4 TM | 3/4 M |
PE - Monday Class Sport - Friday | PE - Monday Class Sport - Tuesday | PE - Tuesday Class Sport - Friday |
Parent - Teacher Communication
3/4 KM | 3/4 TM | 3/4 M |
Cecily Kerr: ckerr@olgcdeepdene.catholic.edu.au Leah Blake: lblake@olgcdeepdene.catholic.edu.au
| Monday-Wednesday, Friday Olivia Tallarico: otallarico@olgcdeepdene.catholic.edu.au Thursday Diandra Merola: dmerola@olgcdeepdene.catholic.edu.au | Lucy McNamara: lcmnarama@olgcdeepdene.catholic.edu.au |