Sports Update

St Joseph's Olympics
Students have been competing in various activities this week that represent Olympic sports. We have had Wrestling, Archery, Volleyball and Hockey. This will continue next week with each student representing a country of their choice.
Catholic Athletics - Wednesday August 21
A team of Year 3-6 students will be selected to compete at the Catholic Athletics event. Students have been selected from results from our School Athletics Carnival and previous results at these carnivals. An invite will go out Friday with more information for these students. The Carnival will be held in Bendigo at the track in Flora Hill.
Division Netball and Football
Well done to all the Year 5/6 students and staff who were involved in the Netball and Football Carnivals.
All who participated had a fantastic time and represented the school well with some high level skills.
Thank you to the parents and families who supported our students on these days.