Arts & Enrichment

ASPA - Arts On Show Sandhurst Diocese
On September 10, the St Joseph's School Choir will be performing at the Sandhurst Arts On Show.
ASPA (The Australian School of Performing Arts) works alongside Catholic Education Sandhurst to present two alternating performing arts programs and showcases. The first is ‘The Festival of the Sacred’ which involves all Year 5/6 students from the Diocese. The alternating year, ‘Sandhurst Arts On Show’ occurs, which involves both primary and secondary aged students. It is a performing arts festival held to encourage those students who are passionate about performing arts.
This year the festival, which culminates in a Massed Concert, will be held on Tuesday September 10 at St Francis of the Fields, Strathfieldsaye. The choir students, roughly 50 Year 3-6's, will attend workshops and rehearsals all day, and celebrate with a concert.
Our performance items this year involve a vocal piece ('A Million Dreams'), a choreography piece (‘This Is Me'), and a massed item (‘Aint No Mountain High Enough’), as well as participation in the Liturgy.
Please see the posters for more information regarding the Concert and tickets.
Regards, Claire Sexton (Choir Coordinator)