Student Awards & Birthdays

Student Awards will be presented at our School Assembly held every second Friday @ 2.45pm in the Hall (even weeks). The next Assembly is Week 4 - Friday August 9. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Awards presented at Assembly in Week 2 were:-
Foundation |
- Sophia Harvey (FSC) - ‘Be Your Best’ for working hard on learning the pink and yellow words at home and at school. You are getting so fast at reading them and are reading these words well in your readers! Keep up the amazing work!
- Boston Murphy-Simpson (FSC) - ‘Be Your Best’ for your excellent focus during counting each day. You are getting so confident saying the numbers to 100! Keep up the great work Boston.
- Leo Stergiadis (FBW) - ‘Be Your Best’ for showing great determination and persistence to improve your writing. Your growing confidence with letter sounds and balancing your letters on the solid line is wonderful to see. Great work Leo!
- Ella Douglas (FBW) - ‘Be Your Best’ for getting started on tasks quickly and quietly, and always trying your best. Ella, you continue to make great choices at school, and are respectful of your peers during learning time. What a fabulous classmate you are. Well done!
Year 1 & 2 |
- Scout McAllan (12GM) - ‘Be Your Best’ for always making strong choices in class so that you’re ready to learn! Your recent spelling test is a true reflection of how much improvement you have made! Well done Scout!
- Henry Dee (12GM) - ‘Be Responsible’ for consistently displaying leadership qualities within our classroom. You always follow the school rules and ensure that your focussed on learning by completing every task that you attempt. Great effort Henry!
- Harlow Anderson (1/2NW) - ‘Be Your Best’ for improving your writing stamina. Harlow, it’s been a pleasure to see you generate ideas quickly during writing time. I always look forward to reading your work.
- Paddy Trimble (1/2NW) - ‘Be Responsible’ for showing great independence towards your learning. Paddy, you’ve displayed incredible focus and work ethic to begin Term 3. Well done.
- Poppie Murphy-Simpson (12MR) - ‘Be Your Best’ for displaying a dedication to her learning by practising her M100W words at home. Well done Poppie.
- Tyler Perry (12MR) - ‘Be Your Best’ for an amazing start to Term 3. I am so proud of how much writing you are completing and enjoy our Math conversations. Keep it up!
- Arlo Hirst (12MR) - ‘Be Your Best’ for a fabulous effort with his “Maths Mates” book, and also for being able to explain how to get correct answers. Well done Arlo!
Year 3 & 4 |
- Lottie Tehan (34LD) - ‘Be Your Best’ for your fabulous poetry writing! Lottie has worked hard to ensure that she includes all of the required elements in her poems. Well done, Lottie!
- Ari Carmichael (34LD) - ‘Be Your Best’ for your excellent Mathematics calculations. Ari can use division to convert improper fractions to mixed numbers. Well done, Ari!
- Max Dillon-McInnes (34ZH) - ‘Be Your Best’ for showing some great creative skills during poetry writing this term. It has been a pleasure to read and listen to some of your limericks this week. Well done!
- Atticus McAllan (34ZH) - ‘Be Responsible’ for always trying your best to keep your workspace clean and tidy. You work hard to ensure our classroom is always neat and respectable.
- Taanashe Musiza (34RP) - ‘Be Your Best’ for your amazing writing so far this year. It is great to see you putting in your best effort into every writing task. Well done Taanashe!
- Eli Sackey (34RP) - ‘Be Your Best’ for including pairs of rhyming words in the Limerick poems you have created. Great work Eli!
Year 5 & 6 |
- Amelie Hodgson (56TD) - ‘Be Your Best’ for her excellent effort during writing time. Amelie has been enthusiastically working on her writing during class and at home. She has been taking on feedback to add descriptive language to her writing to engage the reader. Well done Amelie.
- Indigo Peters (56TD) - ‘Be Your Best’ for her persistence during maths lessons. Indigo has shown persistence in maths to solve difficult concepts including adding and subtracting fractions. Keep up the good work Indigo
- Tomas Dunne (56LB) - ‘Be Your Best’ for always demonstrating great enthusiasm with his learning. Tomas always strives to get the best out of himself during every working opportunity. Well done, Tomas!
- Chelsey Bennett (56LB) - ‘Be Your Best’ for her contribution to our figurative language lesson on similes. Chelsey created some amazing similes of her own and should be proud of her efforts. Excellent work, Chelsey!
We wish many happy returns to all August birthdays - Illy Besiso (FBW), Mitchell Picot (56LB), Eddie Everton (34ZH), Charlee Fisher (FSC), Jaxson Knysak (34RP), Abbie Hilson (34ZH), Nash Hirst (34RP), Logan Vear (12NW), Ethan Fraser (56EN), Flynn Watters (56LB), Madelynn Kairns (56EN), George Willis (FSC) and Jaxon Wallace (34RP).
We also wish Mrs Ryan, Mrs Ludeman, Mrs Brown (the old one) and Mr Hare a very happy birthday. Mrs Ludeman is celebrating a very special birthday so an extra - hip! hip! hooray!