School News

CBCA Book Week
The annual CBCA Book Week is fast approaching! For those families who are new to the school, Book Week is a special event where schools across Australia celebrate their love for literature. On Wednesday 21st August, students are welcome to come to school dressed as a character from their favourite novel or picture story book. On this day, we will have a special assembly where we will parade in our costumes and discuss all things books.
Below are some simple costume ideas to help ensure you are well prepared for this special event.
- Pyjamas- characters from Peter Pan, Llama Llama Red Pyjama, The 117-storey treehouse (Andy and Terry’s pyjama room)
- Onesie- plenty of onesie’s could fit with a book character e.g. Lion in the Wizard of Oz, Dog in Pig the Pug
- Ghost (white sheet)- Casper the friendly ghost, Ghost from How to scare a ghost, The barking ghost (Goosebumps), Ghost pirate treasure (Geronimo Stilton)
- Any superhero costume- various super hero books
- Princess dress- Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, The princess in black series, characters from Rainbow magic series
- Red clothes with a black nose- Clifford the big red dog
- All one colour clothes- crayon from The Day the Crayons Quit
- Black clothes with a homemade mask/hat/toy- e.g. The Hungry Caterpillar, 101 Dalmatians, any Mr Men/Little Miss character, Pig the pug etc.
- Soccer/Football/Basketball/Netball player- Tinny Timmy series, Diary of an Australian Football League legend series, Diary of a basketball hero, Netball dreamz series
- The Bear Series by Nick Bland- Wear all brown clothes and bring along the suitable accessory e.g. the very sleepy bear (pyjamas), the very hungry bear (lunchbox), the very noisy bear (instrument), the very brave bear (superhero cape)
If you are looking for more Book Week dress up ideas, a simple Google search will provide you with many options. We are looking forward to seeing the students in their creative costumes! If you have any questions about the dress up day, please speak with your child’s classroom teacher.
Kind regards,
Kayla Lacey (Book Week Co-ordinator)
BPS Short Story Competition
Theme: Reading is Magic
Word limit: 300 words
There will be three categories: P-2 | 3-4 | 5-6
We will be looking for a story that includes vivid descriptions as well as a clear beginning, middle and end.
Your story can be handwritten or typed.
It should include your ideas and writing only - no help or editing from parents, teachers or siblings please!
Entries due to the office by: Monday 12th August at 4pm (Week 5)
Winners will be announced at: Book Week Assembly on Wednesday 21st August (Week 6)
Winning authors will receive a book voucher and their stories will be published in our school newsletter.
Andrea Rowe – Book Week Author Visit
In a Book Week special event, Andrea Rowe, author of CBCA Book of the Year 2022 ‘Jetty Jumping’, will be running workshops with our Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 students on Thursday 15th August. This is particularly exciting for our Year 2s who are using Jetty Jumping as a mentor text this term! There will be no cost to families for this event – we hope our students enjoy the opportunity to meet a wonderful Australian author.
Premiers' Reading Challenge
Premiers’ Reading Challenge
Well done to everyone who has commenced the Premiers’ Reading Challenge! So far we have read 1648 books and 22 students have completed the Challenge.
If your child has not yet logged in, it is not too late to start! There are 43 days to go, which is plenty of time to meet the requirements. Log in here using the details sent home last term. Please see Robyn in the office if your child’s login details have been misplaced.
Congratulations to our top readers so far…
Prep – Harry P and Zia P
Year 1 – Cooper B
Year 2 – Jack O
Year 3 – Abby C
Year 4 – Daniel T
Year 5 – Eamon P
Year 6 – Brinley W
Keep up the great reading!
New Classroom Cuisine Menu
Jump Rope for Heart
Jump Rope for Heart is the Heart Foundation’s primary school skipping challenge that helps kids move more, have fun and raise funds for lifesaving research and programs.
This year we’ve got an audacious goal to see our student Heart Heroes at BPS to log 40 hours of skipping throughout the program!
We are welcoming students from Prep to Year 3 to sign up online and get fundraising! Register your child online, so they can receive the full benefits of the program and participate in online fundraising, simply follow the link below to get started.
Students will be skipping with their classes during FMS time and at lunch times throughout Term 3. We encourage students to continue their skipping practise at home. During this time, you can share their online fundraising page with family and friends to help raise money for this great cause.
We will hold our school Jump Off Day at the end of Term 3. This will mark the end of
the program and is a chance for everyone to come together to skip and show off their
newly learned skills. We will provide further information about our Jump Off Day closer to
the date.
Please note that all students from Prep to Year 3 will be participating in skipping activities throughout the term weather they are registered or not.
Thank you for supporting the Jump Rope for Heart program!
Premiers' Reading Challenge
BPS is participating in the Premiers’ Reading Challenge 2024!
We strongly encourage students to get involved as the challenge is a fantastic way to develop motivation and enjoyment of reading. The challenge is open now until 6th September.
Students will bring home their login details this week. Please help your child to log in using the following steps:
- Go to the Challenge application.
- Select the School/Student button.
- Select the VPRC login option.
- Enter your username and password.
- Select Login.
Once logged in, the dashboard contains everything you need to complete the challenge including the challenge book list, your child’s target and a tally of books read. Once submitted, books will be verified by school staff.
Please see this link for the PRC Rules
Prep to Year 2 students are challenged to read 30 books and can read independently or with someone. Year 3 to Year 6 students are challenged to read 15 books. Students can read a combination of challenge books and free choice texts.
We would love to see lots of students involved and will be celebrating their progress throughout the challenge.
Happy reading!
New Uniform Item: Soft Shell Jackets!
In response to feedback received from our parent community, we are excited to have an additional optional uniform item available for students to wear.
We now have a Beaumaris Primary School soft shell jacket, which students have the option to wear daily as needed.
This soft shell jacket is now available for purchase from the PSW Cheltenham store.