Clyde North Campus News

Welcome back
Term 3 marks the halfway mark of the school year where year 7 students are starting to look, talk and act like year 8 students, year 12 students start the feel the year is racing by and so it goes for the other year levels. This is all part of a rites of passage in many ways as our young people start to mature and grow into their next phase of physical, personal and social development.
Earlier this week I hosted a campus zoom and posed the question to all students and staff: are you ready for the journey that will be term 3?
Unpacking this question with the students we focused on a couple of critical elements for resetting ourselves post holidays.
- Routines
- Respect
Routines enable us to focus and establish effective learning habits designed to maximise learning opportunities which are critical to improving student learning outcomes. The feedback from staff and students has been incredibly positive and constructive reflecting that the Routines have led to greater collaboration within the classroom and students feeling more settled as they know what is expected of them and what they can expect from each class.
ROCKS are fundamental to all that we do and expect from each other at St Peter’s College. We are now well versed in understanding the behaviours, attitude, actions and disposition needed to ensure we are honouring our ROCKS. All of which supports improved student wellbeing and learning outcomes. Term 3 provides us with great opportunities to fully embrace and extend our endorsement of our ROCKS.
The dignity of every person, independent of ethnicity, creed, gender, sexuality, age or ability, is the foundation of Catholic Social Teaching and is the very reason Respect is at the forefront of our ROCKS at St Peter’s College. As part of our reset for term 3 we are reminded of the importance of being very vocal and deliberate to ensure our words, actions, thoughts and deeds are always guided by respect for the dignity of every member of the community.
Canteen update:
There was indeed some excitement recently with the delivery and installation of what will become our new canteen. After much preparation, design and work we are hopeful that our canteen will be ready for operation by late August. The canteen will service all students and staff providing a great variety of goods available at recess and lunchtime. So, it will be a rather sad farewell soon to our Tasty Trucks which have served our community incredibly well over the last ten years. We extend a very warm thankyou to the Tasty Truck ladies who are always there with a friendly smile and manner serving our students and staff.
Once the canteen is operational the Senior students and staff Coffee Corner will continue to operate before school and recess with the canteen operating during recess and lunchtime only.
It is a very exciting initiative, and we are very eager for the grand opening to occur.
A couple of reminders to help support your child as they journey through term 3.
Lateness: Too many students are coming to school late not caused by buses. I urge parents and guardians to ensure that your child is on time for school every day. Unexplained lateness does carry a consequence of a strike, with three strikes leading to a detention.
Uniform: Full winter uniform is to be worn through out term 3. The flared yoga pants that some girls are wearing are not permitted, boys need to be clean shaven, and tights are worn not stockings or long stocks. PE uniform is worn for PE classes (when practical sessions are scheduled) and on Pastoral days unless otherwise stated by staff. The waterproof spray jacket can only be worn to and from school not during the school day. Black Nike bags and other such bags are not permitted. Each student must have the correct St Peter’s bag. The uniform policy applies to all students including year 12 students, their uniform must not be comprised based on ‘only having a few months left of school’. Strikes and consequences will be applied for unexplained incorrect uniform.
Laptops: Students must bring a fully working and charged laptop to school each day, this is their responsibility.
I wish you all a safe and productive week.
Mrs Julie Banda
Head of Clyde North Campus