Learning & Teaching News

Future’s Expo and Subject Selection
This year Future’s Expo ran on Monday the 22nd of July. Therefore, as you are receiving this newsletter, your child may already be engaging with the subject selection process. The Future’s Expo is an important day in our school calendar - a day which aims to provide students with as much information about all the subjects and career pathways that are available. The subject selection process that follows this day also aims to provide our students with as much information as possible about the options they are considering.
Your child’s subject selection for the 2025 school year is of critical importance. It is why we, at St Peter’s College, invest so much time and energy into making this an engaging process for our students. It is important because:
- Students will get most success in a subject when they do something that they enjoy, are good at and/or need for a course or occupation
- Late changes to chosen subjects or courses cause significant disadvantage for students because they then miss crucial teaching and learning that they struggle to catch up on
- We work out what subjects are timetabled next year by student choice. If students do not choose a subject, then it will not run
- Decisions to change subjects later can be difficult because of timetable constraints and classes may be full
Your role in this process as a parent or caregiver is important. Firstly, I would like to encourage you to ensure that it is your child’s dreams and choices that you should foster, not your dreams or choice for your child. You can do this by listening carefully to your child, asking probing but non-threatening, non-judgmental questions and challenging them to be open and inquiring about their future options. Their goals can be achieved through many different pathways and so it is important that students choose courses and subjects realistically and base this upon their passions and strengths.
Hopefully you were able to attend the after-school sessions held at both campuses on Futures Expo to explore subjects, courses and post-secondary pathways. Many experts from universities, TAFEs and various careers were in attendance to give sound guidance on what is required for your child to fulfil their dreams and ambitions…or alternatively move one step closer to working out what these may be.
After Futures Expo, Year 8 and Year 11 students will be given their web preference code enabling them to submit their subject choices for 2025.
Subject Selection Interviews
All students in Years 9 & 10, are required to attend Zoom subject selection interviews on the following dates:
23 & 25 July: Year 9 students
29 & 30 July: Year 10 students
If your child misses this important interview to discuss with you their subject selection for 2025 with their House Leader or Curriculum Team member, then they will need to visit their House Leader to receive their web preference code. Without this code, they cannot enter their subject choices.
Year 12 Student Learning Conferences
Student Learning Conferences will be held for Year 12 students and their parents & guardians on Thursday 1 August from 4.00 pm until 7.00 pm. Please note that this year you will have the option to attend either in person at your child’s campus or via Zoom. You will be invited shortly to book in an interview time. 10 minutes is allocated for each interview and with the mix of both online and in person interviews, it will be important that students, parents and teachers are punctual and prompt in starting and finishing these meetings. We look forward to your attendance for your child’s final Student Learning Conference, to discuss what support you can given them in the final Semester of their secondary education.
Mr Brad Scammell Mr David Hansen Middle Years Curriculum Leader (CLN) Deputy Principal - Learning & Teaching