P&C Update

Mrs Erin Williams - P&C President

I hope everyone is staying safe and dry. I am writing this on Wednesday, so we don’t know what a category 2 cyclone hitting Brisbane is like yet.


Alfred has caused a lot of disruption even before he hit. All our activities, school, celebrations, catchups, charity events and just relaxing because we are nearing the end of humidity have been cancelled and we are pondering how best to tape up a window and trying to work out what outside destruction might befall our homes.


Anyone who bought tickets for the International Womens Day breakfast or Poparts Trivia Night – we are working on refunds if you haven’t received them yet. Stay tuned for postponement date for Trivia Night.


We will also be postponing our next P&C meeting, including the AGM. The AGM and general meeting will now be held on 17th March – Monday at 7pm in the library. Hopefully the rain and clean up will be much less by then.


In good news, the Year 7 parent gathering last Friday was a huge event – with over 100 people attending. Year 7 parents met old friends, made new friends and learned more about all the opportunities their children can find at The Gap State High School. Thankyou to my wonderful volunteers – we couldn’t do it without you, and of course the incredible work of the tuckshop staff.


I hope our Year 12 parents are equally as keen to come together on Friday 14th March (weather permitting) to chat, eat great food, have a beverage and find out what lays ahead for our last year of school. Tickets here.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

May Alfred be gentle on our homes and those of all our neighbour's.