
Upcoming Events

10 MarchP&C AGM
11 MarchPoPArts Meeting
12 - 19 MarchNAPLAN Testing (see below for more detail)
21 MarchMountain Biking Rocky Trails 
28 MarchTULA Concert 1
28 - 30 MarchAust Beach Volleyball Schools Cup
30 March - 02 AprilYear 7 Camp 1
02 - 04 AprilYear 7 Camp 2
04 AprilLast day of term 1

NAPLAN - Yr 7 & Yr 9

All students will require a laptop with NAP LockedDown Browser installed, headphones, and a pencil for the testing. Practice NAPLAN is on Thursday 27 February Period 1. 


To complete NAPLAN on a BYO device, students must have the NAP Locked Down Browser (LDB) installed.

  • For Windows laptops: Download and install LDB version 5.9.2 from link provided below. The installed LDB icon will appear purple with the writing “NAP 2025”.
  • For Mac and iPads: Download and install LDB version 5.8.38 from the link provided below. The installed LDB icon will appear green with the writing “NAP 2025”.


Download the latest LDB here.

Thank you for your support in preparing your child for NAPLAN 2025.


NAPLAN testing window is from 12 March to 21 March, schedule below.

Our School Review

An opportunity to have your say 


The Department of Education regularly reviews Queensland state schools and our school is scheduled for a review this year. 


Our school has been selected to undertake a school-led review which will enable us as a school community to lead the reflection on what is working well and what we could be doing better. We will use the information from this review to inform our next school strategic plan. 


A school-led review consists of 2 phases: 

            • evaluation conducted by the school 

            • validation conducted by School and Region Reviews (SRR). 


Firstly, across Terms 1 and 2, we will be conducting our own evaluation. This will include speaking with staff, parents and key stakeholders. We will use the School Improvement Tool as an independent guide for the evaluation. 


Following the school-led evaluation, the department’s SRR team will validate the school’s evaluation. The validation team will visit our school on 21 and 22 July 2025 (Week 2, Term 3) to engage in conversations with a cross-section of staff, students, parents and community members. They will also analyse school data and peruse a range of documents to produce a report for our school community. 


Key findings from the review will be made available to parents and the community on our school website. 


We would like to hear from our community throughout both phases of the review. I encourage anyone who is interested to have their say. Feedback can be provided by phone or in person. All feedback remains confidential. Your feedback is important and will help us continue to deliver a great education for our students. 


Please contact the school office and speak to the Deputy Principals assistant if you are interested in participating. 


More information about the review process is available from the department’s website at

Next Step Survey

2025 Next Step Year 12 Completers Survey – Your Feedback Matters!


All Year 12 graduates from 2024 will soon receive an invitation to participate in the Next Step Year 12 Completers Survey—a brief, five-minute survey designed to capture your post-school destinations. This valuable feedback will help us better understand the pathways our graduates take and improve our senior programs and support services for future students.

As a thank you for participating, all survey respondents will be entered into a draw to win a MacBook Air. We kindly ask parents, siblings, and friends to encourage our graduates to complete the survey and to ensure that their contact details are up to date so they don’t miss out on this opportunity.

For further information and to view previous results, please visit

Your input is vital in shaping a brighter future for our school community!