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Key Contacts for the Specialist Sports Program

Renee Lane – SSP Leader


Nick Richardson – High Performance Manager

Cate Johnson – Operations Manager


Please contact the appropriate staff / coaches at each of the Year Levels below if you have any concerns regarding your child’s athletic performance;


AFL Program:

Thomas Hunter (Yr 7-9):

Will Sexton (Yr 10-12):


Basketball Program:

Ashley Arnott (Yr 7 - 8):

Kaleb Sclater (Yr 9-10):

Kris Blicavs (Yr 11-12):


Netball Program:

Ainsley Corrigan (Yr 7-8):

Stacey Dodds (Yr 9-10):

Susan Meaney (Yr 11-12):

Seth Tomlinson:


Soccer Program:

Joseph Didulica:

Sean Mahon:


Please note: Any mainstream concerns are via the relevant Sub-School Leader or Learning Community Leader through Compass

Link to Purchase Sport Uniform

* For SSP and AAP students only







Its been a super successful and busy fortnight in the Specialist Netball Program. A huge congratulations to our students competing in State Titles and their amazing achievements!!

In the 15 Yr Girls Division, Hayley Evans (Yr 9) had an outstanding weekend; her Barwon Region side finishing State Titles Runners Up. Lexie Whatley (Yr 11 AFL Program) in the Barwon Region U/17 side finished an credible 11th, with Lexie being voted Team MVP for the tournament. Both girls should be commended on their performances throughout after a gruelling 20 game 3 day tournament!



In the U/17 Boys Division Jack Te Paa (Yr 8) as a bottom age player took out the State Titles Championships as part of his Elmer Region Side. Congratulations Jack on being crowned a State Titles Champion. Jack also last week was selected as an Emergency/Training Partner for the  SSV Team Vic U/15 Team; a fantastic achievement as a bottom age player. Best wishes Jack!!



Our boy’s program has been going from strength to strength with 16 members; the lads are absolutely bring their determination and competitiveness to sessions. Their improvement throughout this term has been huge both on court and off court in testing. Many of the boys also are involved in other sports also where they are supported and celebrated for achievements.



Ethan Young (Yr 8) placing 4th in Boys U15 Triple Jump at State Championships with a PB. Ethan has had a breakout season on the track and has been great to see his progress in athletics and netball.



The boys recently participated in a Day Camp Experience in Anglesea where they were tested and challenged on high ropes and team initiatives, where they were definitely out of their comfort zone! Their effort, engagement, and support of each other (friendly banter and all) was great to see! The Boys Camp experience capped off two weeks of various camp experience, with the Girls Yr 7 Day Experience and Girls Yr 8/9 Overnight Experience a great success. 


It has been great to see the entire program build strong connections amongst cohorts and staff as we continue to challenge the students support their development.



Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences: Thursday 3rd April & Friday 4th April

Please book in, students are encouraged to attend also.

