Assistant Principal's
Mr Lockhart
Assistant Principal's
Mr Lockhart
Reminder this weekend is a extra long weekend, both Friday 7/3 and Monday 10/3 are student free days…enjoy!
SWPBS is a multi-tiered framework; we currently have Tier 1 supports in place that are for all of our students. Through data collection we have identified about 15 to 20% of students that require further supports (Tier 2). These students make up our CICO - 'Check In Check Out' students, where personal goals are set in conjunction with the student. If your student has been identified as a Tier 2 student an email and letter will be sent home notifying you of this process. See a copy of the letter below:
SWPBS is a multi-tiered framework; we currently have Tier 1 supports in place that are for all of our students. These include:
Tier 1 'differentiated and explicit teaching for all students', or school-wide interventions, are the critical foundation for SWPBS. Interventions are at the whole-school level and are provided to all students across academic, emotional and behaviour dimensions of learning.
Tier 2 or 'focused' interventions support approximately 15% of students in a typical school who are not responding to Tier 1 and who have moderate, ongoing behaviours of concern (social, behavioural and academic). Support is provided through additional Tier 2 or "targeted" level interventions. The focus of Tier 2 is to reduce the number of existing students requiring additional support.
Your child has been identified as requiring Tier 2 supports, this will initially involve a 4-week cycle starting Term 1 Week 6 2025. This involves a Check In Check Out (CICO), where goals are set by the student and homeroom teacher at the start of each day/week. An additional CICO then takes place at the end of the day to discuss the successes and areas of improvement needed. The CICO template will then be sent home with the student to get signed off by the Parent of Carer.
Hopefully, after the 4-week cycle of CICO your child will have adjusted and will now only require Tier 1 supports. Alternatively, if not successful further Tier 2 supports will be put in place.