SJV Community Carnival

   Thank you to all our sponsors and those who have contributed in anyway! (see the following pages)

The SJV Community Carnival is fast approaching. Every Volunteer will be be put into a draw to win a special hamper. Please remember to volunteer so you do not miss out.


St. John Vianney Community Carnival: will be held on Saturday, 29th March 2025

We will need all hands-on deck to help make this event a big success

We are also looking for someone to organise the BBQ on the day.

Some families might be able to donate items or some families will be able to donate time.




Request for Sponsorship/Support for the St. John Vianney Primary School Community Carnival.


We ask all students to be involved on these dates to collect money for Carnival costs:



Casual clothesChocolate blocks


Casual clothesChocolate Easter eggs


                      Cake drop off after school

What else do we need: 

  • Donations of Children's Fake Tattoos
  • Bags of Lollies
  • Nail polish
  • Spatulas for stirring 
  • Big plastic bowls

Please bring to school and drop off at the office or to your class, Thank you.