What has 5/6J been up to?

Getting to Know You Activities

This term, we've been busy getting to know each other and forming friendships through a variety of fun and interactive activities.

We kicked things off by designing "All About Me Shoes." Each of us decorated a shoe that represented our unique personalities, interests, and hobbies.

Next, we completed an activity called "Pipe-Cleaner Tower," where we were given only 10 pipe cleaners to build a self-standing tower in collaborative groups. During this activity, we learned about the importance of teamwork, communication, taking turns, and patience. The biggest challenge was making the tower stand on its own within 15 minutes. To make it even harder, we had to use only one hand for the last 5 minutes!

For homework, we worked on a project called "Me in Two Minutes," where we created a slide presentation about ourselves. The catch was that we weren’t allowed to put any words on our slides. Instead, we used pictures and props to present information about ourselves, which helped us make more eye contact.


Another exciting activity was "Speed Dating." We set up two rows: one for Year 5 students and one for Year 6. We then took turns asking each other questions about our likes, dislikes, and preferences, which we had written down on a worksheet. It was a great way to learn about our classmates in a fun, fast-paced way!

By Lena, Anna, Isabelle, Anthony and Kasper

War Horse

This term we have been reading War Horse by Michael Morpurgo as part of our novel study. We started by reading some information about how horses were used in war and what their responsibilities were. We then moved on to learn about World War 1 facts. Each week we have been reading a few chapters, learning new vocabulary and practicing our fluency. 

By Lydia, Ricky and Jayden


This term, we got to meet our Foundation Buddies! Each buddy group has of one Foundation student, one Grade 5 student, and one Grade 6 student. Last Friday, we had our first Buddy Activity. We interviewed our buddies to learn more about them and created a mind map with all the details we gathered.  We also gave them a welcome card that we made in class. The Foundation students have made a smooth transition into school, and we are so proud of how well they’ve settled in.

By Jessica and Cindy

Gala Practice

Since the start of the year, the 5/6s have been practicing for Gala Day. We are focusing on four summer sports: Tee ball, Tennis, Cricket, and Volleyball. We will compete against other schools in the inter-school sports event in Term 2. Every Friday, we practice for one hour by working on both gameplay, skill development and rules. Our 5/6 teachers coach us: Mr Kumar coaches Tennis, Ms Ann-Maree coaches Volleyball, Ms Neofit and Ms. O'Halloran coach Tee Ball and Ms Kinnish coaches Cricket. We all really look forward to Fridays!

By Stevie, Khushman and Evan


Lent is a time when we grow closer to God and Jesus. Jesus spent 40 days in the desert without food or water to show His loyalty to God. As a Catholic school, this is a very special and important time for us. During Lent, we focus on fasting, praying, and almsgiving. Here are some ideas to help bring you closer to God:

Fasting: Give up your favorite things or something you enjoy. Try to avoid being negative and instead focus on staying positive.

Praying: Pray for those who are sick, those in need, the less fortunate, and those affected by war.

Almsgiving: Donate items to charity, give food to others, and say one kind thing to someone every day.

Check out the photos below from Shrove Tuesday!

By Jennifer, Nyapaar and Hayley