A great start in 3-4TG

T Shirt Wall: All About Me!

At the start of each school year, the students share information about themselves as part of our “getting to know you” time. This year, each student was asked to design a t-shirt to share information about themselves in a creative way. They also focused on design elements and presentation to create this fantastic display in our classroom. 

Narrative Writing


This term we are exploring narrative texts and the students are planning and completing their own stories. In this way, we are also preparing for the upcoming Naplan Assessments, should Narrative Text be part of the assessment this year. We are challenging our students to use descriptive language, follow the narrative structure when writing and also re-read and edit their writing pieces for improvement. We are diving into the text “Matilda” through daily reading in class, vocabulary exploration, dictation and fluency reading. The students are enjoying this well-loved novel immensely. We have created a display of the main characters to refer to. 

Religion: Prayer


We have been exploring prayer and different forms that prayer may take, for example prayer through art, music, movement. As a class, we have designed and created a class prayer mat, which represents everyone in our class. Students are rostered on to lead prayer in the class and may use this prayer mat if they wish as part of prayer time. Students have also composed their own prayers in class, which may form part of our class prayer time. Our prayer-table colour changes depending on the church season and the celebrations or sacraments begin celebrated throughout the year. 

Year 3-4 Homework and Reading Log


We have now begun our Year 3-4 Homework. Each child has received a grid of tasks to complete at home, covering many subjects and providing a range of challenges. Students are also asked to fill in a daily Reading Log, which they must bring in to be signed each Friday by their teacher, at which time homework tasks will be checked.  We also have extra learning tasks for Literacy and Maths added to our "3-4 Level" Google Classroom. These sites offer a different way to practise and develop skills at home. Some students like to take home any extra worksheets for extra learning time.