Grade 3 and 4

What's Been Happening?
We are over half way through the term and our classrooms have been abuzz with learning. We are nearing the end of the year and have so many exciting things to look forward to such as swimming and camp!
We have been busily completing learning snapshots, researching and presenting our group presentations on the states of Australia and moving into learning about migration and the impacts of environment.
Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden
Our classes have been busily tending to our wonderful garden and chickens, learning ways to reduce weeds, re-harvesting from seeds and best of all, planning and preparing delicious and nutritious meals from the produce we have grown.
Our students have been exploring the topic of money! We have been working collaboratively to share problem solving strategies with tricky worded problems and sharing our thinking with the class.
We are close to or have finished reading and responding to the novel, The One And Only Ivan. In our classes we have enjoyed really going deep with this book and engaging with the different perspectives and ideas presented.
We have been revisiting narratives with a focus on using a prompt to plan and compose a story. We will be moving onto script writing and Reader's Theatre in the next few weeks.