
💐 Grandparents afternoon
On Thursday 31st October, we welcomed our Grandparents and Special People to our school. As you can imagine, this was a source of great excitement for our Preps! We busily prepared by making cards that included a handprint, a specially written poem and a portrait of our grandparents / special person.
On the day, the Preps met their guests at the top of the school and invited them to their classrooms, where cards where given and our students proudly shared their learning. Then, students took their visitors on a tour of the school, finishing up at the Oak Tree, where we sang songs to our guests. The afternoon ended with afternoon tea under the Oak Tree. It was a lovely afternoon, and we are so thankful to the special people that made the time to visit our Preps at school. They were so happy to share their school life with their VIPs!
🫧 CBL - Bubbles 🫧
We had a terrific time being Curious Scientists and playing with bubbles! We experimented with the different ways we could make bubbles, such as making wands out of pipe cleaners, blowing through spotty foil, using bubble wands or even just making shapes with our hands and blowing! We also wondered if blowing slowly or quickly changes the bubbles (... it does...). It was a source of great excitement if we could also catch the bubbles once they were floating around - squeals of delight were heard all around!
Look at the happiness on these faces as bubbles appeared before their eyes!
🐛 CBL - Life Cycles 🦋
In our CBL Science rotations, our Preps have been busy learning about life cycles of all manner of creatures and things - butterflies, turtles, frogs and even water!
We were very lucky that Riley's family gifted us a chrysalis so that we could see a life cycle up close and personal! The chrysalis took about one week to hatch and there was great excitement when 'Buddy' the butterfly finally emerged!
Buddy was let free in the Kitchen Garden and Prep A made a wish as she was released. Thank you to Riley's family for the gift. The Preps were fascinated to watch Buddy's evolution!