Foundation Unit

This fortnight, the Foundation students have enjoyed putting their new procedural writing skills to the test, completing a writing piece entitled ‘How to make a potion.’ All sorts of interesting and creative ingredients went into our ‘cauldrons’ and the students wrote out five steps to create their potion of choice.
During reading lessons, we have continued to look at the text structure of procedural texts, as well as building on our fluency skills by re-reading sentences.
In our Phonics practice this fortnight, the students experimented with their knowledge of split digraphs, learning how vowel sounds can be changed from short to long sounds by adding an ‘e’ on the end, such as in the words ‘mad’ to ‘made’, or ‘pin’ to ‘pine’.
This week, we began to explore a new multi-genre unit during Reading and Writing, based around Fairy Tales. We began the unit by reading a variety of interpretations of the text ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’ and discussed how popular texts can be modified in different ways to entertain the reader. In an introduction to persuasive writing, students were tasked with writing a letter to the Troll in the story, in an effort to persuade him to let them cross his bridge to the green meadow on the other side.
During our Maths lessons, the students were introduced to early division skills in the form of ‘sharing equally’. We have been practising sharing out maths manipulatives between two (and later three) groups, and brainstormed what to do when there were objects left over. Students learnt that these left over objects were called remainders.
In our Inquiry lessons, students completed their ‘I’m not a cereal box, I’m a…’ creations, using their knowledge of 2D and 3D shapes to create their masterpieces.
Foundation Teachers
Libby Cannon (PLC), Courtney Lawrence (PCL)/Alison Meggs, Bree Smith (PBS)