Cassia Transition News


We are nearly halfway through the term already, and what a beautiful journey it has been for the children and teachers alike. Such a special time, as some of our dear cassia children begin their 6-year-old change; filled with independence, lots of physical and emotional growth even though they are still so little. We have had lots of toothless children this last couple of months!


The children have had the joy of learning songs, dances and preparing their classrooms for their recent dolly and teddy bear tea party. Leading up to the tea party the children have watched a real baby be bathed and in turn gently washed their dolls, teddys and little ones in Cassia. They have learnt how to swaddle a baby to keep them safe and warm, everything is done with such care and thoughtfulness. The children have cleverly made their little dolly’s and teddys some small clay plates to feast from at the tea party with and using their good balance have practiced serving food.


Outside play has been as robust as the children’s inside activities; with joys of muddy piggy, the feeling of wet gooey earth between the children’s fingers and toes.  The woodwork and sword making space in the Cassia Garden has had much chatter and energy, as the children go about their hard work. The measuring, sawing, sanding, drilling and screwing that has been taking place during outside play has been very industrious and rewarding. 


Those hardworking hands have achieved so much, and you can see how proud the children are in their perseverance as they move from one task to the next encouraging each other along the way.


Knighting ceremonies have begun in the Cassia Garden as our first swords and sheaths are finished, bringing lively banter and tapping of swords.




Important Dates 2025 for CASSIA

Meet and greet Orientation morning for ALL Cassia children and families:

Saturday January 26th, 9-10am


We invite all returning families and new families to come to familiarize your child and you with the space, the teachers and with each other.


Primary School starts: Wednesday January 29th

Primary School starts with a Welcome Ceremony for the new class one. 

There is no Cassia class this day as the Cassia teachers are involved in the ceremony.


Starting days in 2025 for Cassia children:

Cassia has a staggered start to allow the children to settle in gently.

  • Thursday January 30th – all children having a second year in Cassia
  • Friday January 31st - all Cassia children attend for the full day
  • For the next 4 Fridays: no Cassia class as teachers are on home visits
  • From week 2 onwards: all young Cassia children (those turning 5) go home on Thursdays at 12:30pm

Home visit days:

  • Friday February 7, 14, 21, 28 NO Cassia classes as the teachers do home visits.

Cassia Parent/Teacher Meeting: 

Thursday January 30th,7:30-9pm for ALL Cassia families.

What is this year in Cassia about? How can I help my little child, who is finding her/his way into the world, to get the most out of this year? We ask that every child be represented at this evening – it sets the scene for the year ahead.

Working bee with your child: 

Saturday February 8th from 8-10am


A great time to meet and mingle and create an interesting and beautiful learning environment for the children.