Classroom News

This term, we are excited to dive into our new inquiry unit on Minibeasts! Students will explore the fascinating world of insects, spiders, and other tiny creatures. Through hands-on activities, observation, and research, we’ll discover the important roles these little critters play in our ecosystem. From building bug habitats to learning about life cycles, this unit will spark curiosity and deepen our understanding of the natural world. Get ready for some creepy-crawly adventures ahead!
I saw the ladybug. It was yellow Ladybug with black dots. Ladybugs can also be orange or red. Ethan
I saw a snail. It was a little red and yellow. It was moving even slower than how a snail normally moves. Joseph
I found a bee. It had yellow on its back and its face was black. Ben
Ada H and I found a ginormous spider on my leg. We think that the spider thought I was a spider web. Scarlett
Me and Emmet saw a tiny fly. The fly was black and white and it was flying everywhere. Avatea
I saw an ant. It was moving very slowly. Sebastian
I saw an ant and the body was red. It was a very dangerous ant. It was a bull ant. Steve
I saw a creature which had a red and orange body. I don’t know what it was but I am excited to find out! Finbar
We found a bee. It was small and flew away to find its family. Ada C and Ava
I saw a little spider in the fairy garden and it had a spider web. Lucas
Year 1
Magic Monday - Lego Masters
Ezra - Lego Masters is so fun and it is so exciting.
Bruno - On Magic Monday my friends and I made a tower. On the next magic Monday we were finishing our h
Stella - On Monday we made a house and I made a ship. Ezra made a car and Alena made the house.
Ruan - I enjoyed making lego with Rayzon and Liam. I learned to make a Lego mega sign and a big wall.
Liam - I like when I made lego. It was so fun.
Alena - We made a lego house and it was really fun
Magic Monday - Cook and Create
Aiden - Today we made Honey Joys. Last week we made lemon scones. I love cooking!
Abigail - We put butter in the Honey Joys and also sugar. They were delicious!
Audrey - We made Honey Joys, they were delicious! We needed butter, honey, corn flakes and sugar.
Valentino - I like eating yummy food and cooking too.
Year 2/3
Hello Families,
Week two has been so wonderful. We have begun Auslan again and the children really enjoy this lesson each week. We have a new student in our class. Her name is Mariana and what a delight it is to have such a kind, caring and bright student. We have also been celebrating Bethany and her upcoming wedding. This week is her last week before she goes on leave to be married. We cannot wait to see her when she returns. Lots of other learning has been taking place and other key learning areas and a lot of fun as well.
Have a safe and sunny weekend.
Magic Monday - Cook and Create
Suzie - In cooking class we made Honey Joys, it was fun. I love cooking class and last week we made lemon scones. They were so yummy!
Vlamie - The Honey Joys were better than my mums and she makes good ones. It was the best!
Emma - In cooking we made Honey Joys. They are really easy, first put the oven on 150 degrees and then put out 24 patty cake paper cases. Then melt honey, sugar and butter together in a saucepan or microwave. Add Kelloggs cornflakes and mix well! Quickly spoon into the paper patty case and bake in a slow oven at 150 degrees for 10 mins. Cool!
Sharlotte - Honey Joys were so yummy, we even cooked them too.
Ava - Honey Joys were so yummy!
Year 3/4
After one week, the radish seeds have germinated and started to sprout. We are learning about photosynthesis, germination, pollination and the different parts of a plant.
Magic Monday - Cook and Create
Georgia - Scones are the best thing I have ever tasted, it is a fun day
Arvin - I loved making and tasting scones! They were fun to make and they tasted too good.
Laura - We made Honey Joys this week. First we melted the butter and put cornflakes into a bowl with honey and then mixed it all together. They were yummy!
Year 4 / 5 Maths Fun Game!
In Maths, we played a game called Dicey Operations in Line. It was great to play this game together with my partner and pick the cell that you wanted to put your number in. Cody and Kaone
Dicey Operations in Line is a fun and easy way to learn how to solve big addition problems. We put 3 rows with 4 cells in each, then roll a 9-sided die. You have to decide which cell to put that number in. Then at the end, you have to add all your numbers together. You win if your number is closest to 1000 but not more than 1000.
Tristan and Kaitlyn
Usually, we play an amazing tuning-in game for Maths called Dicey Operations in Line,at the start of a Maths session. This game includes you using different strategies. The game is very interesting and we both love it! Aleisha and Nirav
Dicey Operations in Line is a game about chance and strategy. It is really fun, especially when taking turns and rolling a 9-sided die. Stephanie and Brenton
Dicey Operations in Line is a game of chance. We really enjoy playing this game. It’s a fun and very interesting game. It helps us with our addition and rounding of numbers.
Allie and Shamus
In Maths, we played Dicey Operations in Line. Dicey Operations in Line is a fun game to play. This game is about chance and using strategies. What you need to play this game is a 9-sided die. We all had lots of fun playing this game. Tiffany and Jasmine
Dicey Operations in Line is a game of chance. You need a 9-sided die and you have to roll it and each time you have to decide which cell that you put that number in. At the end, if your numbers add up to over 1000, you lose but if you get the closest to 1000, you win! Natalie and Raffaele
agic Monday - Cook and Create
Jasmine - Last week we made scones, they were yummy! It was lemon flavoured, so it was even better!
Raffaele - I really like the food we make in Cook and Create. It is so yummy!
Nirav - In our Cook and Create sessions we made some scrumptious lemon scones and honey joys.