Principal's Report

We are already well underway in our planning for 2025 and today I am pleased to announce the student leaders for 2025. We are blessed to have such a strong field for leadership positions for next year and our deliberations were difficult. I would like to congratulate all the following students as I look forward to working with them next year:


College Captains: Poppy Peters and Maddie Carracher 

College Vice Captains: Grady McCourt and Amber Pietsch 

Student Engagement Leaders: Charlie Kuhn and Curtly McDonald


Further to our 2025 planning, I would like to give families due notice of the College plans for the first week of Term 2 next year. As April 21 is a Public Holiday for Easter Monday and Friday the 25th is ANZAC day, the Catholic Education Ballarat is encouraging schools to use the three days in between as student free days to provide Professional Development of staff and to collaborate with other schools. St Brigid’s will take this opportunity, as are most other schools in the Wimmera. Therefore, students will have a three week break at Easter next year. If you are planning a family holiday next year, this would be the perfect opportunity.


There has been substantial talk in the media recently around keeping our kids safe from the Social Media maelstrom. Certainly, as educators we find dealing with matters that arise on social media outside of school hours can be quite problematic and consuming of our resources. Further in today’s newsletter there is information for parents around how to keep your child safe online and I encourage you all to read and action this. I am also aware of parental movements in other parts of the state where parents of primary aged students sign a pledge to support one another in not buying a smart phone for their child until they turn 14. I would be happy to facilitate such a movement if there is enough interest from our community and SMJ’s.


Stay safe


Gerard Raven