Whats Happening In RE

Images of God

- Reflections of Year 8 Students-

What comes to mind when you think about God? How do you picture God in your mind? What are the experiences you have that draw your mind and heart to contemplate or even just consider the possibility of God’s existence? 


Year 8 Religious Education classes have just completed a unit called “Images of God” in which they reflect on God’s presence in their everyday life. 

         “When we can see God reflected in all that exists, our hearts are moved to praise the Lord for all his creatures and to worship him in union with them” (Laudato Si 87).         

As soon as we start to seek God in Creation, in our relationships with friends and family and all the events of our life, we enter into a kind of prayer. May the following samples by Year 8 students be a moment of prayerful reflection for all those who read them.



David Chaston |  RE KLA Coordinator