
You Can Trust God
I’m a little sad because this is the last week that I will share a message at Good Shepherd Lutheran School. In December our family is moving to New Zealand.
As we step out into this new adventure, we know that we can trust God. We can look to Him and he will care for us wherever we go and whatever happens.
In Matthew 14:22-33 the Apostle Peter, one of Jesus' closest friends, stepped out into adventure when he got out of the boat and walked on water. Jesus disciples were out there in the middle of the night struggling in a boat with the wind and the waves. Jesus came to them walking on the water. If that wasn’t surprising enough Peter asked if he could come out and walk on the water too. Jesus calls to him and so Peter does something that no one else in all the world has ever done (other than Jesus) he stepped out and started to walk on water.
But then he looked around and saw the wind and the waves. He started to sink and so he called out “Lord save me.” and Jesus reaches down to catch him. Then Jesus said to him “You of little faith why did you doubt.” It’s not an angry question, this is a teaching moment. He wants Peter to think it through. Why did he doubt? Because he looked at the waves instead of looking at Jesus. Peter forgot who was in front of him and got distracted but the noise and worries around him.
When we look at our problems, we see how big they are, but when we look at Jesus, we see that he’s even bigger. So, my friends this is a good lesson for us to stay focused on what is most important. Don’t be afraid. Don’t get distracted by the noise and the busyness of the world around you. You can be still and remember that you are loved by your Father in Heaven.
I want to encourage you this week to keep your eyes on him. He will lead you through the tough times, and he will lead you on some amazing adventures. You will experience amazing things. As I go to New Zealand with my family I will trust in Jesus because I know that he cares for me and that he has good plans for me. I know he has good plans for you too if you will trust him and go with him.
Pastor Joel
Save the Date!
Pop this in your diaries now...
We will be having a fundraising evening for a Kenyan church and school here at Good Shepherd Church on November 8th.
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Sunday Service Times
2024 Worship Song Playlist
Do you find yourself wondering what songs we sing in Wednesday Worship? Do your children come home singing some of the songs? We would like to invite you to our Good Shepherd School Worship Song Playlist on YouTube. To find a selection of songs that we sing, click here and start singing along!