Student Awards

Students of the Week
Maddie R, 1A - for always displaying responsibility and leadership in our classroom. We all appreciate your thoughtfulness towards others.
Jess W, 5D - for your outstanding performance in the Ned Kelly trial and giving 100% to everything you do!
HERRRBy Awards
Benji K, PA - for making everyone feel happy, safe and supported. We love how hard working you are and how much you care for others. Well done, superstar!!
Grace S, 5A - for being a conscientious, happy student who always gives her best.
Jackson M, PB - for working so hard and doing extra practise to improve your handwriting and creating sentences with extra information. You can do it.
Zac F, PC- for writing a wonderful narrative, using lots of adjectives, verbs and conjunctions. You are a superstar!
Carl F, 1A - for sharing his wonderful knowledge and vocabulary about animals with his classmates. We are calling you ‘Professor Carl’!
Zach S, 1B - for always showing empathy towards others. You are a very kind and thoughtful classmate! We are so lucky to have you!
Rafi M, 1C - for being such a positive presence in Grade 1C. You enthusiasm is an example for the rest of the class to follow.
Kepler B, 1D - for the great interest, enthusiasm and participation he displays in class. We all enjoy your passion for learning.
Leona C, 2A - for making the large but smooth adjustment to a brand new school. You are an absolute pleasure in the classroom and the perfect addition to 2A.
Ariella F, 2A - for being so welcoming, kind and empathetic to everyone! We all appreciate you Ariella, thank you for being a superstar.
Aurelia K, 2B - for always coming to school with a smile on her face and for displaying an infectious enthusiasm towards everything she does.
Lucas G, 2C - for your hard work during our money unit. You have worked so hard at how to add up money and even give change. Keep it up!
Benjamin H, 2D - for settling in so beautifully to his new 2D class and school.
Kayla, H, 3A - it is an absolute joy to have you back in 3A, we all missed you!
Kayla R, 3B - for a fabulous start to Term 4. I love the effort you are putting into every activity and your positive attitude. Keep it up!
Malia L, 3C - for her efforts in juggling ‘Eureka’ choir rehearsals with classroom learning and a big Inquiry project. You showed great commitment Malia!
Zara E, 4A - for demonstrating exceptional focus and effort in class, resulting in outstanding work.
Grace W, 4B - for consistently using her initiative and bringing positive energy to the class.
Nolan H, 4C - for a fantastic start to the term and for showing great engagement during our grammar lessons. Well done!!
Ishaan N, 5B - for demonstrating beautiful manners and for always respecting others.
Seth L, 5C - for being a kind and supportive classmate, and for showing steady improvement in his learning.
Maddy M, 6A - for always being respectful, hardworking and kind. You are such a superstar, Maddy.
Charlie A, 6B - for showing outstanding resilience and never letting any setback or challenge stop you from being your incredible self. You’re a legend, Cha!
Josh L, 6C - for being a reliable and organised member of our class. You are such a great help!
Japanese Ninja Star Awards
Archer T, 3A - for being a kind helper during Japanese class. Airgato and すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!
Agustin A, 4B - for showing polite manners and trying his best during Japanese lessons. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!
Milla P, 5D - for bringing cheerful vibes and demonstrating her best during Japanese lessons. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!"
Zoe T, 6A - for demonstrating HERRRBY values and working diligently during Japanese lessons. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!"
Alara O, PC - For always working enthusiastically and enjoying Japanese activities during the lessons. すばらしいです! Subarashii desu!
Ava S, 1A - for working diligently and copying Japanese words very well. すばらしいです! Subarashii desu!"
Adam M, 2D - for being super switched on, focused in listening and following instructions during Japanese class in Term 4. すばらしいです! Subarashii desu!