Principal Learning


As a school community, it is very important that we acknowledge and celebrate the wonderful achievements of our staff, parents and students.  One way of accomplishing this is by participating in award ceremonies throughout the year and also at the end of each term. Our end of term 'Principal Learning Award' is chosen by classroom and specialist teachers to acknowledge student achievement and promote character development, self-esteem and perseverance. 


Congratulations to the following students who received the Principal Learning Award for Term 3 2024:


Principal Learning Award Recipients



Physical Education:  Mila, Languages: Patrick, STEM: Sanvitha, Visual Arts:  Yaseen

& Performing Arts: Boen


FG: Angelina, FJ: Ashton  , FS: Unaysa 

Year 1 

1A: Autumn, 1H: Kevin, 1MU: Kenneth

Year 2

2A: Ilia, 2E: Aaron , 2L: Max, 2Y: Angel



Year 3

3B: Julia , 3K: Greta , 3L: Sebastien, 3N: Jordan


Year 4

4A: Iris,  4SR: Olivia , 4S: Cyrus, 4H: Shuyu


Year 5

5A: Rufaro , 5B: Shaheer , 5D: Onal  , 5K: Angela

Year 6

6E:  Gayesh , 6KM: Ethan, 6L: Cooper , 6R: Mayumi