Foundation Wellbeing

Foundation Wellbeing


This term in Foundation, students are focusing on building their capacity to manage their emotions through developing self calming strategies. During the first week of term, the Foundation students discussed how feelings can impact their wellbeing and their ability to make good choices. They played the ‘Melting Tiger’ game by listening to their teacher tell them a story and role playing being the tiger in the story. The Foundation students reflected on how this strategy made them feel and how this can help them when they are feeling sad or overwhelmed.


‘The melting tiger game makes me feel relaxed’- Hayley FG

‘I felt calm’-Ariyan FG

“I felt tired and calm and peaceful’- James FJ

‘My body feels warm and my heart feels calm, my breathing is slowing and my muscles are soft’- James FJ

‘The music made me feel calm’ Hailey FS

‘I feel happy and relaxed, like I’m having a good dream’ -Yousef FS