Miss Marg's Mental Health

Marg Smith

I was excited the other day when I witnessed a student “having a chat” with another staff member. This is a massive achievement, as this is a goal for the MHiPS program, for students to feel comfortable enough to chat with all staff.


All staff are committed to being their best to support our students. We have spent a great deal of time developing our knowledge of mental health issues. Staff are signed up as a TEAM with Beyond Blue, Be You. This has many modules covering Mental Healthy Communities, Learning Resilience, Family Partnerships, Early Interventions, and Responding Together. 


We care and are determined to work in an environment that has happy, positive students that can feel safe and relaxed so they can be the mostest bestest person they can be.



What is child mental health?

Understanding what child mental health is and what shapes it is the first step in supporting your children’s wellbeing, now and into the future.

In this animation, Emm shares some key things every adult should know about children’s mental health and ways we can nurture it.