Learning in J08
Junior School Sgardelis is sharing the learning taking place in their class…
Learning in J08
Junior School Sgardelis is sharing the learning taking place in their class…
In J08 we have loved learning about the seasons of the year over the past few weeks! We explored how the seasons impact our daily lives including what we wear, activities we do, food we eat and environmental changes. We made a season wheel to show the months of each season and some of our favourite things to do and see in each season!
We also spent some time learning about Indigenous seasons. According to the Kulin People, there are seven Indigenous seasons, each reflecting the movements of the stars and a change in the weather, which align with the life cycle of plants and animals.
Instead of following the calendar dates, each season is based on what is happening in the environment, for example, plants flowering, animal behaviours, weather patterns, and how the stars change in the sky.
These changes in the environment help Indigenous people know when to find shelter, hunt, gather food, or care for the land. Sometimes seasons can be longer or shorter, depending on how much rain or sunshine a season has had.
Check out our season’s paintings that were inspired by other Indigenous artworks using warm and cool colours.
Mrs Sgardelis
Year 1 Teacher