Stars Of The Week

Rollins PS Stars of the Week are proudly brought to you by Captcha Photobooths. Proud supporters of our Stars of the Week and our Grade 6 Graduation in December.

Stars of the Week - Term 2, Week 8



Prep A


Hudson DFor always putting in his best effort during learning tasks and taking on feedback given. Keep it up Hudson!

Prep B


Zihana HFor always showing respect in the classroom by using her manners and listening to others when they are sharing. Amazing work Zihana, keep it up! 
Prep CQuinn BFor being resilient during writing lessons and always striving to improve. The amount of dedication that you put into your learning is amazing Quinn! Keep up the amazing work!
1AZafer SFor showing amazing growth in his reading and writing goals. You should be proud of all your hard work. Amazing effort Zafer!
1BRohaan AFor his fantastic work in reading throughout this term. It has been wonderful to see the improvement and more confidence in your reading. Keep it up Rohaan!
1CJaylena RFor putting in an amazing amount of effort in reading, spelling and writing recently. Keep up the fantastic work JJ! 
2ALexa EFor putting in a huge effort to complete all tasks to the best of her ability and smashing her Maths assessments! Well done Lexa, you should be very proud. 
2BVivien TFor always trying her best in learning tasks and a fantastic job on her fairytale. Keep it up Vivvy!
3/4AHunter DFor trying his best with his Information Report. Keep working hard Hunter!
3/4BElla KFor the amazing effort you have put into your research for your Australian Explorer information report. Thank you for always setting such a wonderful example Ella!
3/4CJack NFor being an amazing helper and role model inside and outside of the classroom, and inspiring others to do the same. Great work Jack, keep it up legend! 
3/4DHohepa SFor his incredible effort during the measurement task in Maths this week. Well done, Hohepa! 
3/4EAiden YFor putting in a super effort with listening during classroom discussions and offering support and encouragement to his peers. Well done superstar!  
5ARyder PFor being focussed and actively participating during classroom discussions and activities.

Tugce G


Mack E

For showing an awesome commitment to your learning. You have been able to put your full effort into your classwork and it is evident in your massive improvement in writing and maths. 
6AHunter CFor being respectful and kind to his peers and teachers. Keep it up Hunter!
6BTianee BFor developing a detailed and interesting movie review on Penguin Bloom. Well done Tianee!
STEMAlyssa M 5AFor her great work when using Tinkercad
ARTCooper A  5BFor completing an original and convincing one point perspective drawing. 
PEMelody H (Batesford)For always giving 100% in every PE lesson and showing great improvement in her hockey skills. Keep up the good work!!
MEDIAAsya K 3/4AFor consistently completing her work to a high standard throughout Term 2. A solid effort this year Asya!