Office News

Bottle tops
Due to a range of reasons, Rollins PS are not collecting bottle tops this year. If you have clean bottle tops to dispose of, they can be dropped off at the following locations:
GREATER GEELONG (Wadawurrung and Eastern Maar Country)
BELMONT: Coles High Street - 158 High Street
BELMONT: Coles Village Shopping Centre - 65 High Street
BELMONT: Lifeline Op Shop, High Street
BELMONT: South Barwon Community Centre, 33 Mt Pleasant Rd
DRYSDALE: Coles, Murradoc Road
DRYSDALE: Lifeline Op Shop, Village Walk
EAST GEELONG: Eastern Hub Community Centre and Seasons Café, Mc Killop St
GROVEDALE: Lifeline Op Shop, Marshalltown Road
LEOPOLD: Coles, 621-659 Bellarine Highway
NEWCOMB: Lifeline Op Shop, Watsons Road
OCEAN GROVE: Coles, 77 The Terrace
QUEENSCLIFF: Sea All Dolphin Swims, Shop 3, Building 6, Queenscliff Harbour.
ST ALBANS PARK: Lifeline Op Shop, Boundary Road
WAURN PONDS: Coles, Pioneer Rd & Princes Hwy
COVID and various illnesses appears to be making its presence felt again. We have had notification from a few families including staff that they have tested positive to COVID. Please be vigilant of this and other illnesses as we enter into the colder months and keep children home if they are sick. The Department no longer sends free RAT tests to schools, so you will need to source them from somewhere else.
We have been made aware of children who have been vomiting and have then returned to school the next day. The education department exclusion table states "In an outbreak of gastroenteritis, exclude until there has not been vomiting or a loose bowel motion for 48 hours, and for all other diarrhoea illnesses exclude until there has not been vomiting or a lose bowel motion for 24 hours." Therefore a child should be kept at home for at least 24 hours unless it is part of a gastro outbreak. Please adhere to these rules to make sure we do not have any illness spreading through the school. You will be asked to come and collect your child if they have been sent to school the following day.
If you hold a Health Care Card number (CRN) or have a Centrelink pensioner concession card, you may have CSEF funds available to use against your childs Camps, Sporting activities, Excursions etc. Families holding a valid means-tested concession card or temporary foster parents are eligible to apply. A special consideration category also exists. Schools can receive applications from families by June 2024.
Families can list more than one student in the one application form if they are attending the same school.
You will recieve $150 per child each year to use towards all Events, Excursions and Camps.
Please ask for a form at the office and provide your CRN card. Please submit by June 2024.
Lost Property
This is a friendly reminder to please make sure ALL of your children’s uniforms and other items are clearly labelled with their names.
Our lost property is currently overflowing with jumpers, hats, toys and lunchboxes that we are unable to return due to them not being named.
All uniforms that remain in lost property at the end of the term will be added to the school uniform sale.
We understand that replacing lost items can be expensive and frustrating. Naming items makes them easy for us to return.
Children with Asthma
If your child has Asthma, seasonal or on-going, they must have an up-to-date Asthma plan signed by a doctor and have an in date Ventolin. No student is to have their Ventolin on them or in their bag. It must be stored up in the office for safety reasons and so we can monitor the intake and inform parents if a medical emergency arises.
Thank you to those who have already provided the office with their childs medication.
If we do not have the above for your child, they will not be able to attend upcoming excursions.
Home reading ideas for parents
Curriculum contributions
Curriculum contributions for 2024 are now available to pay via Compass or the Office. Please note that you do not need to purchase any school classroom supplies or book packs for your child, as everything will be supplied by the school. This will be covered in your payment.
Those who receive payments from Centrelink or hold a HeathCare Card, can choose to set up CentrePay to arange regular fortnightly payments towards the school, which can go towards your voluntary Curriculum Contributions/excursions. Families can nominate to have Centrepay paid fortnightly and the amount will be at the discreation of each family. You can collect a form from the office.
Thank you to those families who have payed for their annual Curriculum Contributions. These are still available to pay either via Compass, EFTPOS through the office or you can set up CentrePay. Other contributions for non-curriculum items for our school grounds maintenance and student welfare are also available and are warmly welcomed.
If you are using the Compass app and are having trouble accessing the required forms and information, please select "more" at the bottom of your screen and then "open in browser". You will then have full access and will be easier to navigate.
State School Relief
State Schools' Relief (SSR) is an autonomous, charitable organisation that assists Victorian government school students who are experiencing financial disadvantage because of short-term crisis or long-term chronic need.
SSR is supported by the department to provide assistance with uniforms and other essential items for students who need assistance to continue their education.
Short-term crisis and long-term chronic need are the primary qualifying criteria for support from SSR, including refugee status, homelessness, family violence, house fire, natural disaster, financial hardship, illness and emergency.
SSR assistance will be provided by either direct supply of uniform items or uniform vouchers for redemption from school uniform suppliers.
Please contact the school office if you would like to apply for any school uniform.
Toys at school
We are noticing a lot of children bringing toys from home to school to play with at recess and lunch. Can we please remind you all that we cannot take responsibility for items that have been brought from home like plush toys, balls and other objects. Children are coming up to the office asking for their lost items and becoming upset. Please be aware of what your child is bringing to school and if they choose to bring something from home, it must be clearly labelled and the responsibility falls onto your child.
Illness and exclusion days
We are noticing a lot of students coming to school who are unwell or who are still showing syptoms from an illness. We understand that it is very hard to keep children home when parents need to work or who have no other arrangments to look after their children, but in order to keep other students and the Rollins community safe and healthy, we ask families to follow the department guidelines on the exclusion from school timeframe as per below -
Conditions | Exclusion of cases |
Chickenpox | Exclude until all blisters have dried. This is usually at least 5 days after the rash appears in unimmunised children, but may be less in previously immunised children |
Conjunctivitis | Exclude until discharge from eyes has ceased |
Covid | Excluded for 5 days |
Diarrhoeal illness | Exclude until there has not been vomiting or a loose bowel motion for 48 hours, and for all other diarrhoeal illnesses exclude until there has not been vomiting or a lose bowel motion for 24 hours |
Hand, Foot and Mouth disease | Exclude until all blisters have dried |
Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) | Exclude until 48 hours after initiation of effective therapy |
Herpes (cold sores) | Young children unable to comply with good hygiene practices should be excluded while the lesion is weeping. Lesions to be covered by dressing, where possible |
Influenza and influenza like illnesses | Exclude until well, this includes running nose and cough. |
Meningitis (bacterial other than meningococcal meningitis) | Exclude until well |
Meningococcal infection | Exclude until adequate carrier eradication therapy has been completed |
Molluscum contagiosum | Exclusion is not necessary |
Pertussis (Whooping cough) | Exclude the child for 21 days after the onset of cough or until they have completed 5 days of a course of antibiotic treatment |
Ringworm, scabies, pediculosis (head lice) | Exclude until the day after appropriate treatment has commenced |
Rubella (German measles) | Exclude until fully recovered or for at least four days after the onset of rash |
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) | Exclude until medical certificate of recovery is produced |
Streptococcal infection(including scarlet fever) | Exclude until the child has received antibiotic treatment for at least 24 hours and the child feels well |
Head Lice fact sheet
Parent or carer detection and treatment responsibilities
Parents and carers have the primary responsibility for the detection and treatment of head lice.
Responsibilities include:
- not sending their children to school with untreated head lice
- using safe treatment practices which do not place their child's health at risk
- regularly checking for lice or eggs in the hair of their child and other household members
- notifying the school if their child is affected and when treatment commenced.
Term 2 Lunch Clubs
Lunch Clubs have been a fantastic initiative over the last few years at Rollins for our students. This term we welcome back many familiar favourite clubs, as well as some new ones! Miss Lee is running a Prep-2 Colouring Club on Mondays and we welcome a new club 'Rollins Rockets/Swifties' on a Tuesday and Thursday. Matt and Caleb are running a 5/6 NBA Club on Fridays. Below is the timetable for our lunch clubs this term.
Rollins House Challenge
Students have been learning about the values Encougement and how they can demonstrate these values in the classroom and yard, to earn points towards their house. Teachers have been giving out house points to students displaying exemplary behaviour in these areas.
It’s been wonderful to see the excitement and house pride from our students. House captains will count up the running total of points on Friday and announce who’s in the lead towards a celebration day at the end of the term!
Those who receive payments from Centrelink can choose to set up CentrePay to arange regular fortnightly payments towards the school, which can go towards your vountary Curriculum Contributions/excursions. Families can nominate to have Centrepay paid fortnightly and the amount will be at the discreation of each family. You can collect a form from the office.
Thank you to those families who have payed for their annual Curriculum Contributions. These are still available to pay either via Compass, EFTPOS through the office or you can set up CentrePay. Other contributions for non-curriculum items for our school grounds maintenance and student welfare are also available and are warmly welcomed.
If you are using the Compass app and are having trouble accessing the required forms and information, please select "more" at the bottom of your screen and then "open in browser". You will then have full access and will be easier to navigate.
Conveyance Allowance
Eligible students living in the school zone and residing more than 4.8km from your closest school may be eligible for conveyance allowance.
Forms are available at the office for families to apply.
If your child is going to be away sick, has an appointment or family holiday. Please make sure you add an attendance note via Compass. Otherwise you will receive a text message saying that your child has not arrived at school. You will also receive a call questioning why your child has an unexplained attendance.
Please try and enter attendance note prior to 9:00am.
Rollins Primary School recognises that being at school on time and attending every day contributes towards a student's learning and that maximising school attendance enhances academic outcomes.
We take attendance very seriously at Rollins PS and have a goal to have as close to 100% of student attendance as possible.
For more information regarding attendance please follow the link to the Education Department's Attendance Policy
Rollins House colours
If you hold a Health Care Card number (CRN) or have a Centrelink pensioner concession card, you may have CSEF funds available to use against your childs Camps, Sporting activities, Excursions etc. Families holding a valid means-tested concession card or temporary foster parents are eligible to apply. A special consideration category also exists. Schools can receive applications from families by June 2024.
Families can list more than one student in the one application form if they are attending the same school.
Please ask for a form at the office and provide your CRN card.
Unfortunately, we have noticed quite a few parents/carers who are smoking within school grounds and at the exit gates. Smoking in these places is a fineable offence.
A person must not smoke cigarettes including e-cigarettes (regardless of whether they contain nicotine) within school premises and within 4 metres of any pedestrian access to school premises.
Court orders
Please inform and provide the office of any current or updated Court orders that may be in place. It is important that we have current, in date orders updated in our system.
Privacy notice
Our school collects, uses, discloses and stores student and parent personal information for standard school functions or where permitted by law, as stated in the Schools’ Privacy Policy.
Please take time to remind yourself of our school’s collection notice, found on our website in the Policies section.
For more information about privacy, refer to: Schools’ Privacy Policy — information for parents. This information is also available in ten community languages:
* Amharic
* Arabic
* Dari
* Gujarati
* Mandarin
* Somali
* Sudanese
* Turkish
* Urdu
* Vietnamese.
Rollins Uniform Supplier -
DCS Uniforms
Orders are ONLINE ONLY and will be delivered to the school free of charge every Thursday. To order please visit .