Key dates

Monday 27 May          - 2025 Senior School Information Evening 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm 

Tuesday 28 May        - Loddon Mallee Region Cross Country event held in St Arnaud.  


Thursday 30 May      - State Schools Spectacular Region rehearsal at Shepparton East                                                  Primary School 


Friday 31 May            - Campaspe Netball (Primary)


Tuesday 4 to 6 June - Year 10 and 11 mid year exam period


Monday 10 June       - Kings Birthday (Public Holiday)


Friday 14 June           - Pupil Free Day (Assessment and Report Writing)


Thursday 27 June    - Reports released to families


Friday 28 June          - Last day of Term 2 


Monday 29 July         - 5/6 Canberra Excursion


Monday 26 August  - Book Week Theme is 'Reading is Magic

                                         Parade 9:10 am, Primary courtyard. 

                                         Secondary students are welcome to dress up and attend the parade.