Stephanie Alexander Garden 


Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden with 3/4C

On Tuesday it was the last SAKG session with 3/4C.  What a delight they have been!  For the seven weeks they have all prepared and shared beautiful food and helped grow fresh seasonal vegetables in our gardens.  They have also been super quick at cleaning up and did this each week with enthusiasm and efficiency.  


We harvested some rhubarb from the garden and although this is generally not a very popular flavour, it went superbly into our Rhubarb and Lemon muffins.  All the parents couldn’t believe how tasty they were.  The silverbeet that has flourished in our garden was also a hit on the vegetarian pizzas.  A perfect meal to end the seven weeks with our second class for the year.  


Unfortunately, Melissa and I had to say goodbye to the wonderful parents from 3/4C who have continued to show up and show their support for the children in this class.  They have helped the students in so many ways and each week were calm and patient even when things went wrong or the clock started ticking by too quickly.  We presented them thank you certificates and got a big group photo as a sign of our appreciation.  These wonderful voluteers have been Ros (Zoe’s Mum), Hayden (Julie’s Mum), Nellie and Kevin (Christian’s Mum and Dad), Kim (Kelsie’s Mum), Tash (Quade’s Mum), Frank and Kate (Louis’ Dad and Mum) and Lisa (Josie’s Mum).  3/4S will be commencing their seven weeks next week, so if you are available to help, please let me know via Seesaw.  


Have a great week!

Mrs Tammie Siegert







Student Reflections:

Today I made the dip. I cutted and peeled carrots. I also got to taste test the dip when it was done. It was a really yummy dip. It just felt a bit sour. Some carrots I cut were bad so I just ate them. Today is my last day of cooking. :( I can’t wait to eat what the main meal made. It is… Pizza! By Brayden


Dear Mrs Siegert, I had so much fun in SAKGP. I am so sad that we won't be able to work with you in SAKG again. I had so much fun!  By Mali  







Today we are eating potato soup. I think I'm getting better at cutting. I'm so excited to eat! By Josie


Today I was baking pear muffins. I had to peel and cut the pear in little pieces then Mel added the flour, caster sugar, milk, olive oil, then I added the pears then I mixed it all together and added more pear and mixed more. We got baking trays and muffins tins and put the batter in the tins and baked them all. In Gardening we picked some cucumber and lettuce and some silverbeet but I was all eaten by bugs. After that we didn't work in the garden, we worked in front of the office to rack the leaves then picked them up and put them in the wheelbarrow. By Gabby


I have improved on my cutting skills and we were a good class as we worked together. I enjoyed it. Louis N


Today I made bread rolls. It was a lot of fun and we had to use our hands a lot. Someone in another graded their hands and there was a lot of blood. By Joseph


I got consumed by the dough again. I Completed my stem task. I poured some honey into a bowl. By Nick





Today was the last day of cooking! The best part was that we got to make pizza! Overall, I am going to miss making soup and peeling, cutting, grating. But I’m sure that I will have an even better time next year! I hope the grade 3/4s will like it more than we do. Can’t wait to eat the last yummy food! I am going to really miss the Kitchen Alexander Program.  By Juliana


Today I made the salad but I could barely cut the onion. My eyes were burning and watering a lot. It was so much FUN! By Kelsie


Today I made veggie pizza. We got mushrooms, onions and tomatoes. We cut some mushrooms in little small pieces then in the meanwhile the other people in our group cut onion and tomatoes we put them in a ball for each veggie. Then we got all the toppings we got the bread and we put the tomato sauce on the bread. Then we put mushrooms on it.  By Bosco


Today is the last day of cooking ever for me. I think I have improved on drying cutlery because I am getting faster. Today my group made vegetarian pizza. The toppings were tomatoes, silverbeet, cheese, onions and mushrooms. I had lots of fun today.In gardening we raked up the leaves because 50th anniversary photos are happening tomorrow. By Hayden




Today I made the main meal.  It was PIZZA. I loved it so much. Over the weeks I have been doing this I have gotten better at cooking and now I can help my mum and dad cook. I had so much fun doing this and I had so much fun with all my friends cooking every sports day.  I am looking forward to this next year. Sophia 


Today was the last day of cooking. I was on the main meal with my Mum. For the main meal we made pizza and I was with my friend Sophia.   My Mum has come to all of them but didn't come to the second last. By Zoe


Today I made rhubarb and lemon muffins. It was very fun and the dough was very gooey. All the weeks in cooking I have had so much fun it is the best.  By Livansh


Today we made risotto and we had to do a lot to make the main meal.My favourite part was grating the cheese and it was sooo fun! I loved it. By Yasmin


I am really sad that this is my last week.  I loved emptying the compost with my friends. I loved cooking. It was so fun.  Overall this year was a lot better than last year because last year I was really bad at cutting.  This year I got way better. By Hieu