Student Awards - Term 2

"Keep On Keeping On"
FOUNDATION B - Elie N for consistently working at home with his reading and UFLI homework. Keep up the great work!
FOUNDATION B - Noah R for doing so well with his reading and for working on his writing. Keep up the good work!
FOUNDATION G - Lucas K for making a conscious effort to listen and follow teacher instructions and for taking his time to present work that he is really proud of. Well done, Lucas!
FOUNDATION G - Masara T for showing kindness and compassion towards her peers and for always trying her best. Well done, Masara!
FOUNDATION L - Zachary W for participating in his Maths group and completing extension tasks with a ‘have a go’ attitude.
FOUNDATION L - Callie Y for putting so much care and effort into completing her homework tasks.
YEAR 1/2E - Emilia N for asking questions to consolidate her understanding of a new strategy and attempting to apply this new knowledge to solve a problem.
YEAR 1/2E - Liana S for showing focus and persistence when writing her letters on dotted third lines.
YEAR 1/2PH - Ethan R for always challenging himself to reach the next skill in Mathematics
YEAR 1/2PH - Charli C for settling back into school quickly after having a long holiday.
YEAR 1/2D - Chanel P for displaying a positive attitude and perseverance when completing challenging tasks!!
YEAR 1/2D - Ryder A for displaying persistence when aiming to maintain increased focus.
YEAR 1/2K - Lorenzo C for showing determination to role model positive behaviour in our class and working hard to complete tasks.
YEAR 1/2K - Marisol D for staying focused on your work and persevering through challenging tasks.
YEAR 1/2M - Teddy D for her perseverance during writing. Well done for working hard on challenging tasks.
YEAR 1/2M - Alessia G for being a wonderful role model for the class during morning meditation and for displaying excellent self-control when waiting for her turn during class discussions.
YEAR 1/2FM - Devon M for her kind, generous and patient spirit she displays when working with others. Well done Devon, you are a Superstar! ⭐
YEAR 1/2FM - Charlie C for working consistently to improve his spelling during literacy lessons. Super effort!
YEAR 3/4B - Christopher N for showing his awareness to manage his impulsivity in maths by choosing a thoughtful learning spot to ensure concentration. Keep it up!
YEAR 3/4B - Elly N for showing a positive work ethic by choosing to focus on her learning journey and asking questions when she is unsure. Keep shining Elly!
YEAR 3/4C - Ethan K for persisting through challenges and working well with others during problem solving. Keep it up Ethan!
YEAR 3/4C - Joseph S for making good choices to allow him to focus and be the best learner he can be. Keep it up Joseph!
YEAR 3/4S- Jordan W for showing persistence and hard work when completing his tasks. Well done Jordy on a fantastic week of learning!
YEAR 3/4S-
YEAR 3/4KC- Naomi R for consistently working hard and showing great positivity and dedication to her work. Well done Naomi!
YEAR 3/4KC- Lachie M for always persevering and working through challenges by asking questions and following feedback.
YEAR 3/4M - Ryan L for consistently being respectful to everyone and for always putting in 100% effort into everything he does. Keep up the amazing work!
YEAR 3/4M - Kai A for always being organsied and ready to learn. Keep up the great work.
YEAR 5/6K - Gabriel C for showing the confidence to ask questions in class and checking your understanding. For trying your best even in tasks that you don't enjoy. Well done, Gabriel!
YEAR 5/6K - Asmitha S for keeping focused in class and trying your best to achieve your goals. For showing compassion and kindness to those in our class. Well done!
YEAR 5/6MV - Erik B for beginning to develop his confidence to share his ideas and ask questions during whole class discussions. We love hearing your thoughts Erik, keep it up!
YEAR 5/6MV - Eva N for consistently striving in all areas of her learning. Your continued hard work is amazing to see Eva. Keep up the excellent work!
YEAR 5/6R - Ethan C for showing ongoing responsibly for his learning, demonstrating persistence and asking for feedback to move his learning forward.
YEAR 5/6R -
YEAR 5/6S - Braelee S for demonstrating her persistent attitude to all the new learning opportunities that have been presented this term !😀
YEAR 5/6S - Isabelle S for demonstrating persistence and initiative in all aspects of her learning this term! Well done Isabelle ! 😁
YEAR 5/6P - Alannah K for persisting with her learning and striving for improvement. Keep it up Alannah!
YEAR 5/6P - Ashton B for his positive attitude and enthusiastic approach to his learning. Keep it up Ashton!
STRIVE - Liana S for putting in so much effort with your handwriting each day during Strive. Keep up the great work.
STRIVE - Jai C for always putting in so much effort with your reading and writing during Strive each day. Keep up the great work.
STRIVE - Henry S for showing great independence as a learner by getting yourself ready to learn during Strive each morning.