Year 1 Team

We’re having fun in Year 1!
It has been a fantastic term so far with our wonderful students demonstrating greater confidence each and every day. The new lining up areas and the calm and predictable routines that each class has set up has meant that
every student is starting the day ready to learn and have success!
We have been exploring procedures in English, and have really enjoyed watching the students complete some exciting experiences to then write about. The students have used a template to make sure they have all of the information they need to complete the written procedure that we will turn into a book for them to bring home.
Throughout the Core Literacy sessions each day, the students have demonstrated a good understanding of the sounds we have been focussing on and are building their confidence to blend and segment words to decode them. Their fluency is also improving steadily through daily practice with books and short passages from books.
In Maths, we have been building our skills and knowledge around Measurement, Patterns (Algebra), and Quantifying Numbers. During our measurement unit, we used our height to measure different objects within the classroom and out in the school yard. Students have been demonstrating their understanding of counting collections efficiently by practising skip counting and using these skills to count larger collections.
Our Inquiry focus for this term has been on Physical Health, students have been sharing their experiences and understanding of how they stay healthy, what time they go to bed and the exercises they enjoy doing.
We are really proud of the students and all the efforts they have made so far this term.
We also want to wish Mr Benwell the best of luck on his next chapter of his teaching.~Damian Hayes, Jess Wallace, Nicole Williams and Connor Benwell