VCE Planning and Units Offered

At Viewbank College, most students will undertake a VCE program of 22 units over 2 years.  Students will study 12 units, (6 per semester) at Year 11, and 10 units (5 per semester) at Year 12.  Variations on this program will, however, be available to some students.


VCE requirements direct students towards a breadth of choice while also enabling specialisation to suit individual aspirations. The selection of an appropriate course is of vital importance and should be carefully considered. 


Before final course decisions are made, all students will undergo individual interviews with Careers Counsellors, House Leaders or Heads of House.  It is here that details of course selection will be finalised in accordance with students' final reports.  Failure by any student to present for these final course selection interviews may jeopardise their chances of being enrolled in the subjects of their choice.


Students should consider the following guidelines and factors when choosing a VCE program and subjects. 

  1. Career intentions Studies should be appropriate for the career a student intends to follow. 
  2. Future options In choosing a VCE course, students should endeavour to keep career and further study options as open as possible. Consider two or three possible VCE courses rather than just one. 
  3. Prerequisite subjects for tertiary courses Many courses at universities have prerequisite studies. Students should research the prerequisites for courses they are interested in. Prerequisites are compulsory to gain entry into those courses. 
  4. Interests and abilities It is important that a student chooses studies which interest them and in which they can achieve. Students who choose unwisely and are unable to cope with a study may lose confidence and find themselves struggling in other studies as well. 
  5. Achieving a balance It is important to maintain a balance between career interests and the value of education in its own right. Students should attempt to balance their emotional, intellectual, physical and artistic needs when choosing their subjects. 
  6. Resources The most useful resources are as follows: 
  • which contains external links to post-school options, including universities, TAFEs, workplace learning and apprenticeships.
  • The Careers staff – recommended this be the primary resource for pathways information.


Students should discuss their subject selections with a wide range of interested people - parents, subject teachers, Careers staff and House Leaders/Heads of House. 


The school intends to offer the VCE units listed in this handbook.  However, subjects will only run if there is sufficient demand from students. The feasibility of a class running is dependent on many variables and constraints: the timetable, the minimum class size and the physical and human resources available at the school. Many of these issues cannot be dealt with until late in the year when results are known and the program for the rest of the school is determined.  The school also reserves the right to modify a student's course selection in view of his/her final report.


The College will always endeavour to satisfy the choices and requirements of as many students as possible. Unfortunately, there can be situations where students may not receive their first choice. 


VCE Units offered (across year 11 and 12) 


Units 1 & 2   Units 3 & 4  
Accounting   Accounting #   
Art Making and Exhibiting  Art Making and Exhibiting 
Australian & Global Politics    Global Politics  
Biology   Biology  
Business Management   Business Management   
Chemistry   Chemistry *  
Applied Computing   Computing: Software Development  
Economics   Economics   
English/EAL   English/EAL*  
English Language   English Language 
Food Studies Food Studies  
Health & Human Development   Health & Human Development  
History: Modern History History: Revolutions  
Legal Studies   Legal Studies  
Literature   Literature *  



      Japanese (Second Language)  

   Other (VSL or Language School)



    German *  

      Japanese * (Second Language) 

   Other (VSL or Language School)


      Foundation Mathematics   

      General Mathematics  

      Mathematical Methods  

      Specialist Mathematics  



      Foundation Mathematics 

      General Mathematics *  

      Mathematical Methods *  

      Specialist Mathematics *  

Media    Media   
Music   Music  
Not offered   Outdoor and Environmental Studies 
Philosophy   Philosophy   
Physical Education   Physical Education #   
Physics   Physics *  
PD & T ^: Resistant Materials   PD & T ^: Resistant Materials  
PD & T ^: Textiles    PD & T ^: Textiles     
Psychology   Psychology #  
Systems Engineering   Systems Engineering #  
 Theatre Studies   Theatre Studies 

VCE VM Personal Development Skills+ 

VCE VM Literacy+

VCE VM Numeracy+

VCE VM Work Related Skills+


VCE VM Personal Development Skills+ 

VCE VM Literacy+

VCE VM Numeracy+

VCE VM Work Related Skills+

VET: External      VET: External  
Visual Communication Design   Visual Communication Design  
Not applicable  CHES or Higher Education Studies 

  +  Vocational Major 

^  PD & T= Product Design & Technologies  

*  indicates Units 3 & 4 subjects that require knowledge at Units 1 & 2 level.  

# students attempting Units 3 & 4 would be advantaged by successful completion of Year 10 or Year 11 in this subject.   

For all other subjects, please check the ‘Prerequisites’ statement in each entry.