
Please see the bottom of this page for information on Mathematics pathways

Please click on the relevant links below for further information

Year 10 Mathematics

Subject Options

Core Maths - General

Core Maths - Methods

VCE VM Numeracy Units 1&2

Enhanced Mathematics

VCE/VM Mathematics

Unit 1&2

Unit 3&4

Foundation Mathematics

Foundation Mathematics^

General Mathematics*

General Mathematics*^

Mathematical Methods*

Mathematical Methods*^

Specialist Mathematics*

 Specialist Mathematics*^

VM Numeracy

VM Numeracy

*Students must have a Ti-Nspire Cas Calculator as prescribed on the book list

^Indicates subjects that require knowledge at Units 1&2 level

Maths Pathways

Frequently Asked Questions Mathematics Pathways - Year 9 into 10


Q. If I choose Core Mathematics - Methods in Year 10 and find it too difficult, does that mean I can't do any maths in VCE? 

No, you should consider keeping a maths in your program, but you will need to enrol in either General Maths or Foundation Maths. See the Maths Pathways Table to fully understand your options. 


Q. Can I apply for an Enhanced Mathematics? 

You cannot apply for Enhanced Mathematics (unless you are in the Accelerated class). Core maths students will receive a letter of invitation if they are deemed eligible. 


Q. How does the subject acceleration application process work? 

You need to apply using the process you have been given.  A panel of teachers will then review your application to decide if you show the necessary dispositions to succeed in the subject and we take into account your progress in your other subjects. The decision is not made by your maths subject teacher alone, but of course, we take this into account when making the decision. Acceleration into Unit 1 & 2 Mathematical Methods is  not advised, even for exceptional math students, as these students will compete in their year 12 Methods exams against students who has studied year 12 Specialist Math putting them at a strategic disadvantage.  You will be informed of the outcome by an official letter from the college and not by your maths teacher. 


Q. What are my future options if I study VCE Vocational Major Numeracy? 

There are no pathways into any other Unit 1-4 maths from Numeracy.  This subject will contribute units towards a VCE Vocational Major, but as there are no SACs or exam, it does not generate a study score or contribute to an ATAR calculation.  Please see the Maths Pathways Table above for more detail. 


Q. How do I know which Mathematics I'll be good at? 

It's sometimes hard to know this, so at Year 10, we encourage you to choose a maths which keeps your options open, is challenging, but not overwhelming.  This is different for everyone so it's great to speak to as many adults as possible to help you with the decision. If in doubt, choose the maths that keeps your options open after Year 10. 


Q. Can I change Mathematics levels mid-year? 

No.  Your Mathematics choice is a year-long commitment and will inform your choice of maths in Year 11. During Year 10, you will reflect on your progress and make a sound decision for Year 11 and 12 based on this. 


Q. Can I study 2 different Mathematics in Year 11? 

Yes. You can study both Unit 1 & 2 Mathematical Methods and Unit 1 & 2 General Maths or both Unit 1 & 2 Mathematical Methods and Unit 1 & 2 Specialist Maths in Year 11.  You should make sure you consult a number of knowledgeable people and consider your future career path before deciding to do this.