SBAT - School Based Apprenticeships & Traineeships
School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships (SBAT) allow students over 15 years of age to work as paid part-time apprentices, or trainees, while still at school. While doing VCE, a student can enter the workforce in a particular industry by working and training on the job, and receiving off the job training from a Registered Training Organisation.
The minimum requirements of an SBAT:
- 13 hours per week which is made up of a combination of work and training.
- It must impact the school timetable and cannot be solely completed outside school hours.
- Viewbank College must sign and agree to the training.
- Employers must pay at least award wages.
How a SBAT Contributes to the VCE
Upon successful completion of the SBAT, the School Based Apprentice will have gained credit towards a VET (Vocational Education & Training) qualification and their VCE.
The Careers Counsellor, VET Coordinator & Head of House would need to be consulted before a student considers this option.