Year 10 into 11 Subject Selection FAQ

Questions before the information evening?

These questions have been asked in previous years at online and in person information sessions.

Questions Answers 
How does scaling effect your ATAR? For more information about scaling, this website is very useful. We do not advise students to make subject choices based on scaling but more on their interests and strengths but if they want to know more about the process, this website explains it well . VTAC ATAR and Scaling Guide 2024

What subjects are compulsory in years 11 and 12? 


Can you do more than one English? 

Only English is compulsory but there are 3 different types of English that students have to choose from. All year 11 students must complete a Unit 1/2 English subject. You can certainly do more than one English but I encourage students to ensure that they leave enough room in their VCE programs to broaden their qualification and explore all of their interests 

I’m interested in knowing how ATAR score is calculated based on VCE score. 



How is the ATAR calculated? 

VTAC uses VCE results issued by the VCAA (Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority) to calculate the ATAR. The ATAR is a percentile rank, so it shows the relative performance of each student compared to everyone else in their age group. 

The ATAR is a rank based on each student’s 

aggregate (or total) produced by adding: 

The VTAC scaled study score in one of English, English Language, Literature or English as an Additional Language (EAL) 

The next best three VTAC scaled study scores permissible; and 10% of the fifth and sixth permissible scores that are available. 


This is also a short video from Latrobe that can help. ZA 

My child is currently undergoing a Cert 3 Certificate in Makeup at NCAT. If they continues this in year 11, how does this contribute to their

VCE score? 

If the student continues into Year 11 they will be eligible for an increment towards their ATAR and it counts and VCE units as well. It is advisable to check with the VET Coordinator on enrolment if the course will contribute to an ATAR.

What constitutes a pass in VCE subjects? 

Students need to pass all the Outcomes for their Unit of study. To pass the outcomes they need to show that they can demonstrate the key knowledge and skills for that outcome. They do this throughout a unit of work eg. Through class/homework tasks, tests, projects, SACs (assessment tasks)-the types of tasks vary for 

each subject.  

How do we apply to do a 3 / 4 VET in year 11? (We are pretty confident that the student has the required competencies) 

AS VET is based on units of competency, it is generally not possible to jump straight into a VET Unit 3 and 4 without having done the Unit 1 and 2. This is because students need to have recognition of prior learning. However, the student could complete the Unit 1 and 2 of the  VET in Year 11 and Unit 3 and 4 in Year 12. 


How much time per day would you recommend as a baseline for self study? We would recommend at least 1-2 hours per evening in Year 11 and then 2-3 hours in Year 12. 

How can I gauge if my child is ready for a Unit 3 & 4 sequence in year 11? 


I would recommend getting them to reflect how they meet the criteria. These are on the acceleration form and also speak to their English teacher in terms of the literacy skills that are very important for VCE. 
In year 11, can you do unit 1, 2, 3 and 4 in the same subject? No they cannot, as one unit takes a semester, they need two years to complete all 4 units 
Can a student study ALL the English subjects? 

Yes they can, but only 2 English subjects can count in the primary 4 subjects for the ATAR calculation – All 3 however can count towards the ATAR in total but student would only be eligible for 10% increment of the 3rd English subject. 

However, doing all 3 English subjects might compromise the balance in the student’s 


Do any of the year 11 Unit 1 / 2 subjects contribute to ATAR? No they do not. ATAR is only calculated from Units 3 & 4. (the sequence of both will need to be completed to count towards the ATAR) The units covered in Year 11 or Units 1 &2 will count towards the 16 units required to complete the VCE. 
How do students apply to do an external language not offered at Viewbank? There are students who study a language outside of Viewbank. This can be done through organisations such as the Victorian School of Languages. Proof of enrolment would need to be supplied in order to factor that into your child’s timetable. Please note: if this is accelerated your child will need to complete an application form for VCE acceleration.
So, I take it students can change subject selection later in year 10 than next week, especially as they have only done 2 weeks of the current semester subject that they’ve yet to see if they like/capable at. Subject selections are not due until later so students still have some time to decide. There may be limited opportunity later in the year to request a subject change once they have had their course confirmed, however this will depend on availability of the subject they want to move in to considering constraints such as timetable clashes, full classes or classes not running. 
If you do unit 3 and 4 in year 11 in a particular subject, and you want to continue with it, do you repeat the unit 3 and 4 again in year 12? 

There is the option to do the subject again, however this is strongly advised against as the students will not gain any extra units to count towards their 16, and the course will be exactly the same meaning they are likely to become disengaged. Students would have an opportunity to improve their study score however it is more likely that they will receive a greater ATAR score 

if they selected a different subject. There are some opportunities to do higher education studies in some areas through Universities. 

What if you do a unit 1 and 2 subject in yr 10 and you do not get an above standard in it? Can they still do the units 3 and 4 of that subject in yr 11? That could be part of a conversation when choosing subjects as there may be circumstances that could have led to the result. This would be part of the interview process. 
How are VET absences on a Wednesday accounted for? 

They count as “School related absences” so do not affect VCE attendance. We also try to make sure that the study periods line up with when the student goes to VET so they don’t miss out on too 

much class