Mini School Updates

Junior School Update
As we wrap up Semester 1, we reflect on the experiences of learning and growth our students have embarked upon. Starting Year 7 is a big adjustment for students, and we would like to congratulate them on the way they have approached their first Semester at Lowanna. It has been a semester filled with achievements, challenges, and memorable experiences and I am pleased to see students approaching all of these with enthusiasm and a willingness to give things a go.
Making a Positive Start to Semester 2 Subjects
With Semester 2 just around the corner, now is the perfect time to start preparing for new subjects and challenges. We encourage all students to approach their studies with enthusiasm and a growth mindset. Setting goals and organising study schedules can make a significant difference in achieving academic success. I encourage all students to pick an area from our GPA’s they feel they can improve upon and focus on that over the remaining weeks in this GPA cycle. Remember, your teachers and support staff are here to help you every step of the way. Could all families please ensure that students are equipped with the learning materials they require for their Semester 2 classes. The Junior School are able to support with resources if needed.
Year 8 Ice Skating and Artvo Excursion
We extend our gratitude to all students and staff who participated in the Year 8 excursion to the ice-skating rink and Artvo. These experiences not only provided a fun break from routine but also enriched their artistic and physical skills. We hope these outings inspired creativity and teamwork among our students. I know our staff enjoy the opportunity to get to know students outside of the classroom. These opportunities for students to form new or stronger relationships with other students or staff allow us to build on our positive school culture.
Focus on College Value of Respect
As a college, we are currently focusing on our value of Respect. As part of our SWPBS Program, students have been reminded that respect happens when; we listen, we communicate politely, we follow instructions, we care for others, and we care for property. Respect for ourselves, our peers, our teachers, and our environment is crucial in fostering a positive and inclusive school culture. Let's strive to uphold these values both inside and outside the classroom, making our school a place where everyone feels valued and appreciated.
Year 7 Careers Sessions
Over the next couple of weeks Year 7 students are attending a careers information session during one of their Learning to Learn classes. This session introduces students to the careers room, the Careers Team and some of the key terms relating to careers and further education. Students have been engaged in discussion around what future careers may look like as well as starting to think about where their education can take them. Thank you to Kirsty and Alisha from the Careers Team for providing this valuable experience to our students.
Enjoy Your Break
Lastly, as we approach the semester break, we encourage everyone to take time to rest, recharge, and spend quality time with family and friends. Whether traveling or staying local, we hope this break allows students to return refreshed and ready to tackle the challenges of Term 3.
We wish everyone a safe and enjoyable break. Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to another successful semester ahead. As always if you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Junior School Office on 5127 9420 to discuss your student and/or their progress.
Kristy Bannister
Junior School Leader
Middle School Update
We would like to congratulate both the Year 9 and 10 students for the way they conducted themselves during the exam period. As stated in the letters home, these exams are compulsory and if a student missed an exam their teacher may request that they sit the missed exam during Headstart, so the results can be entered into student reports.
Headstart commenced on Monday with students beginning Semester 2 classes. Any changes to elective classes may occur at this time. Students are aware that class numbers are tight and that options may be limited.
Our Year 10 students will be heading to work experience from the 29th of July to the 2nd of August. Any student who does not have a work placement organised or does not have all the correct paperwork completed and submitted to the Careers Team will not be able to complete work experience and will be expected to attend classes that week. Work experience is a fantastic opportunity for students to get a taste of what the workforce in their future career may be like. We hope they enjoy the experience.
On the 7th of August the Year 10 students will undergo individual course counselling with senior staff to discuss their program for Senior School and their future pathway.
As one of our School Values, Respect is most important in the smooth running of a school. Respect for yourself, respect for others and respect for your surroundings are vital to promote a culture of support and inclusion for all students. I urge Middle School students to place greater emphasis on this key value in coming weeks. This begins with how you treat yourself and others within our Lowanna Community.
Across the entire college, we have a strong focus on attendance and ensuring as few absences occur as possible. Evidence indicates that poor attendance can have a negative impact on student outcomes, as well as many social factors. Please ensure that you contact the school if your student is away either by entering their absence on Compass yourself or by contacting the Middle School Office on 5127 9246. If you require assistance with your Compass login, please contact the school.
Daniel Board
Middle School Leader
Senior School Update
It’s hard to believe we find ourselves already at the mid-way point of the school year. As Term 2 draws to a close I know that staff and students are all looking forward to a much-needed break.
This week all Year 11 and 12 students have officially commenced their Unit 2 and Unit 4 learning. We are very proud of the way students participated in their mid-year exams which ran from 7-14 June. These exams gave students a valuable opportunity to assess how they are travelling with their learning in their subjects so far, as well as to practice and refine their revision and exam strategies. The exams provide an opportunity for feedback on any areas of concern as well as recognising positive steps that students have taken throughout the past two terms in their learning. The most powerful learning from these exams will occur when a student takes time to reflect on their own learning style, including the study habits and techniques that they utilised in the lead up to the exam/s. As these exams are returned, I encourage students to take the time to make an honest personal and reflective critique of their preparation to determine study and revision strategies that are successful for them as well as those that may need further refinement. Exam feedback also assists students to identify any learning gaps that need further attention, revision or mastery. Students can begin to take responsibility by asking their teachers for additional help during class time or requesting additional practice exam-style questions to complete in their own time and hand in for feedback. Understanding that feedback is an opportunity to improve and develop is a wonderful way to apply the concepts of a growth mindset to the learning process. When thinking about individual growth and improvement, it is important to remember that these exam results are a starting point, and not a fixed assessment of ability. We know that students who develop an intrinsic motivation to improve see the exam process as a step towards the mastery of academic competence.
On the topic of feedback, Semester 1 Reports will be released late next week. The feedback provided by teachers will assist students and parents/guardians to reflect on student achievements and how they might improve in Semester 2.
It was a pleasure to celebrate the end of exams with students at the Senior School Formal last Friday evening at Turfside Function Centre. This was a wonderful opportunity for students and staff to come together outside of the formalities of a classroom, get dressed up and dance the night away! The onsite photobooth was a hit with students making the most of being able to capture memories of a great night that they will remember!
Earlier this week, the GAT took place, involving all Year 12 Vocational Major students and all VCE students along with any Year 11 student studying a Unit 3 and 4 sequence of study.
All students completed Section A which included Literacy (Writing and Reading) and Numeracy from 9am-11.15am to assess their proficiency in Literacy and Numeracy against the national standards. These results will appear on each student’s end of year statement of results. The standards will indicate whether students have demonstrated the literacy and numeracy skills typically expected of someone completing their secondary schooling – giving another indication of their readiness to move onto further education, training, or employment. Section B was completed by all students studying a Unit 3 and 4 sequence from 1.15pm-3pm and it is a test of general knowledge and skills in maths, science, technology, the arts and humanities.
As per previous years this part of the GAT results will be used to help calculate a student’s Derived Examination Score for any student whose exam performance is affected by illness, accident, or personal trauma. The GAT results are also used to help validate the accuracy of school based and external assessments. We always encourage students to strive for their personal best in completing the GAT, putting in a 100% effort, just as they would for a SAC or exam.
Respect is one of our school values and it is an expectation that all student behaviour is in accordance with our Student Code of Conduct. In all interactions with the school and wider community (including both in person or online) we expect our students to demonstrate respect and kindness. At Lowanna, we work with students to help teach them that we show respect when:
We Listen
We Communicate Politely
We Follow Instructions
We Care for Others
We Care for Property
I thank our parents and caregivers for your support of us and for helping our students uphold our school values.
As part of our duty of care to students, we expect students to remain on site during the school day unless a parent/guardian has provided consent for the student to leave. This includes at both recess and lunch times. Students should not be using their cars to transport either themselves or other students. Students with a lunch pass should also not be using this to bring other students to their house. Any student who is found to not be meeting these expectations will have privileges removed. All students have access to the College Canteen with ordering available in advance on Compass, or on the day with payment either by cash or Compass Wallet. Thank you in advance for supporting us with these conversations.
Early next term, we will be starting to work with Year 11 students to make their subject selections as they start to plan their move to Year 12. Our incoming 2025 Year 11 students will also be learning more about the range of subjects and vocational pathways at our VCE Information Evening, with student assemblies and course counselling conversations also taking place to support them with their transition to the Senior School.
Finally, thank you to our community for their support over the first half of 2024 and we wish all students and staff a wonderful semester break. We look forward to a successful second semester when we return on Monday the 15th of July.
The Senior School Team
(Nicole Taylor, Kerrie Logan, Gary Garside, Amy Jones, Julie Jeffrey)