College Updates

Last Day of Term 2
The last day of Term 2 is Friday the 28th of June. School will be finishing at 2pm on that day. Buses will run as normal in the morning but will be picking up students one hour earlier in the afternoon.
General Office Hours
Please be advised that the General Office hours are now 8am-4pm Monday-Thursday and 8am-3.30pm on Friday's.
Stay Tuned - 2024 Yearbook Cover Art Competition
In Term 3, our Art and Comms Teams will be running an Arts Competition for students who would like their work featured as the front cover of our 2024 Yearbook! This competition is open to all year levels and can be any art medium - painting, drawing, photography etc!
Stay tuned for more information at the start of Term 3 via Compass and social media!
College Uniform
Our college uniform reflects the values of our college. Our college supports students to be in uniform every day by offering the Uniform Exchange. Please visit the below link for more information on our college Uniform Policy.
College Uniforms - Lowanna College
Please note that our college uniform is sold at Beleza School Uniforms in Moe and Warragul.
Book Week 2024
In Week 6 of Term 3, Lowanna College will be celebrating Book Week! Like last year, the main event will be a Character Dress-Up Day.
We encourage all staff and students to get involved and dress up as their favourite book character, or to get together with friends and coordinate your costumes around a favourite book or genre.
Whilst more information about other activities and events happening in Book Week will be communicated next term, we want to advise that Character Dress Up Day is Thursday 22 August. So, start organising your costumes now!
Where Are They Now?
This term we commenced an alumni campaign showcasing previous Lowanna College students and where their future, post high school, has taken them. A new story is published every Thursday evening on our college Facebook and Instagram pages and is available on the college website. To find out more, view our website below.
Where are they now? - Lowanna College
Courage to Care Incursion
The Courage to Care program was delivered to the Year 10 Humanities classes on Monday the 20th of May.
Courage to Care- The Upstander Programs educate participants on how to counter the dangers of racism, prejudice, discrimination and bullying. Delivered by a team of skilled and dedicated volunteers and featuring inspiring testimonies from Holocaust survivor speakers, the Upstander Program promotes acceptance of diversity within our community, transforms bystander behaviour, and inspires participants to become Upstanders.
Upstander Programs encourage participants to become aware of their potential to make a positive difference, and offer practical tools for standing up against racism, bullying and prejudice by empowering participants to take positive action – in the schoolyard, workplaces, and in our communities.
The Year 10 students were studying the Holocaust at the time of the incursion and as a part of the curriculum, they were learning about the Holocaust and the experiences of racism, bullying and persecution faced by minority groups. The current unit in Humanities is focusing on Freedoms & Rights, which highlights the above issues faced by our most vulnerable people/races.
Senior School Formal
Last Friday night our Year 11 and 12 students dressed up and danced the night away at the Senior School Formal, held at the Moe Racing Club. Students were welcomed by the Herald Sun who attended to take photos of students arriving on the red carpet. Students had fun after a busy exam week and most students enjoyed a dance on the dancefloor.
Thank you to the Senior School Team for organising the night, to Pics and Props for providing some fun for students in the photobooth, to DJ Paul for the music and to the Moe Racing Club for providing the venue.
Food Studies Update
Year 7
This term our Year 7 Food Studies students have been making delicious cupcakes following the design brief.
Year 10
Our Year 10 Food Studies students have been making some delicious food this term based on the protein design brief.
Year 8 Italian Pizza Making Class at Trulli Pizzeria in Meeniyan
Recently, Year 8 Italian students had the opportunity to make and eat their own authentic Italian pizza.
See below some student comments about their experience.
Student quotes
“I enjoyed many aspects of the trip to Trulli Pizzeria and especially the pizza and the gelato. I liked the way that the pizzas were made in the traditional Italian style and learnt how Italian pizzas are made simply. I believe that ice cream (gelato) is definitely better when it is handmade like we tried. It’s a shame the pizzeria isn’t a bit closer to Lowanna, but great that it exists.”
Una Turnball
“I learnt that Italians don’t consider pizza as fast food, because they eat bread all the time and the base is basically bread. Something I found was that the pizza doesn’t take long to cook in a wood fired oven….it only takes 2-3 minutes." Lexie Jackson
“Something I enjoyed about the excursion…was that I got to make my own pizza from scratch….I had never made or handled pizza dough. I stretched out the pizza…put on the tomato paste, ham and cheese….I wish they had my favourite ingredient, pineapple, but that didn’t stop my pizza from being the tastiest pizza I have ever had.” Hannah West
“I loved making the pizza….just as much as eating it." Seth Carroll
College Canteen
The Lowanna College Canteen provides fresh food including hand crumbed chicken (crumbed daily) and beef patties (supplied by the local butcher) in their wraps and burgers.
Students and staff can order their lunch via Compass and are able to pay using cash or Compass card (no eftpos facilities are available).
The Cafe
Our college has recently opened The Cafe, a space where staff and students (Year 12's) can enjoy a hot drink, have a meeting or catch-up on some work/administration tasks. Year 12 students are allowed access to The Cafe at recess, lunchtime and before school. We are excited to be hosting a Grand Opening for The Cafe on Wednesday the 26th of June, with some of our staff and students as well as external stakeholders attending.
Arts and Music Update
Open Day Performance
During the recent Grade 5/6 Open Day our school bands and VET music students performed two concerts throughout the day in collaboration with the VET Sound and Production students who provided the sound and lighting.
Music Soiree and Art Exhibition
In week 7 the Arts Team held a Soiree night where music students performed music pieces that they have been working on throughout the term. There was a range of solo, and group performances, which consisted of Year 7 students through to VET and VCE students. The Soiree is a valuable night to music students as it gives them the opportunity to work on their performance craft. There was also a variety of art pieces that were on display that our students have been working on throughout the year.
Thank you to family, friends, and staff who were able to come to the event, the students find it very rewarding when they get to play for a large audience.
Keep your eyes peeled for the next show in Term 3!
Year 9 Painting and Drawing
The painting and drawing class is finishing the semester in a flurry of activity, excitedly finishing their pop art lolly paintings. They have also completed their watercolour unit and demonstrated a variety of techniques and colour theory by painting a landscape. They have finished the semester by planning and executing an independent artwork using a surreal theme after studying the art movement of Surrealism.
Completed works (above)
Works in progress (above)
Year 11 Art Creative Practice (ACP)
Year 11 ACP students have finished Unit 1, experimenting with the art form of printmaking. They worked through the mediums of linocut, dry point etching, and monoprinting.
Year 12 Art Creative Practice (ACP)
Year 12 ACP students have finished their Unit 3 final artworks.
Emily Kealy plans to continue with her equine theme (below) and is planning a very largescale painting for Unit 4.
General Music Update
The music classrooms have had a revamp in Term 2. This has allowed our classes to have a strong focus around band, performance, ICT, and transferring theory skills into practical sessions.
Systems Engineering
The VCE Systems Engineering students are working extremely hard to complete their custom designed and constructed projects. Students are required to develop their ideas in a digital folio, research components, design their build, perform diagnostic testing and assemble and modify where required to complete a working project. Students write code to make their systems work, print with 3D printers and use CNC machines, lathes and milling machines.
Some of the projects our students are working on include a mini metal lathe, automatic watering system, touchless toilet cistern, BB8 drone and a prosthetic lower leg.
Jump and Climb Excursions
Our Year 9 Outdoor Education students have been visiting Jump and Climb in Traralgon this term enjoying two jump sessions and one climb session. They also visited HardRock in Nunawading where the students reached new heights, with some reaching the very top of the rock walls!
Green Tradies Program Update
This term in Green Tradies the students have worked hard on a number of different projects including building a deck for the garden shelter and clearing the B building courtyard to become a multipurpose space. We have also planted an edible indigenous garden and worked hard in the veggie garden.
These tasks have required a lot of planning and teamwork which has been fantastic to see.
Science Club - Every Friday
Science Club is available to students every Friday at lunchtime in B9. Students have been having fun with a variety of science experiments, including the below (methane bubbles, also known as flame hands).
Note: The below experiment was conducted using safety precautions, with science staff supervision and the use of PPE (personal protective equipment). Do not try this at home.
VCE-VM P.A.R.T.Y Program
Earlier this term our Year 11 VCE-VM students attended the P.A.R.T.Y Program at Latrobe Regional Hospital. It is an awareness and prevention program to Prevent Alcohol and Risk Related Trauma in Youth. Students engaged with emergency services professionals, doctors, ICU nurses and allied health practitioners in a simulated hospital environment.
There were many highlights, although one that really stood out was listening to Mark MacManus's story (The Restoration Project). His presentation about his life so far was raw and confronting with such strong messages to all young people about preventing risk and drug taking and trying to make the right choices.
A Message from First Aid...
As we are approaching the winter/cold season students with Asthma will start presenting a lot more. We ask that all students with Asthma remember to carry their own inhalers.
Any students that need to have Panadol/pain medication at school should be bringing their own medication with a signed Medical Authority Form signed by a parent. Pain medication needs to be stored in a locked cabinet in First Aid, as we don’t want other students accidently taking something they shouldn’t.
Please see First Aid to get a Medication Authority Form.
Action Plans
Also, a friendly reminder to supply Lowanna’s First Aid Team with your child’s medical action plans. For your convenience, we have attached the following links for action plans. Please note that a medical practitioner must fill out and sign the document before returning to the school.
Anaphylaxis Action Plans:
Asthma Action Plans:
Diabetic Action Plans:
Epilepsy & Seizure Management Plans:
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the First Aid Office on 5127 9200.
Michelle Dodkins,
First Aid Officer
World's Greatest Shave
Next term the SRC are hosting the World's Greatest Shave, with all proceeds raised going to the Leukemia Foundation. We have students and staff who have volunteered to get their head shaved and/or coloured. The event is taking place on Thursday the 25th of July. More details to come via Compass and social media soon, stay tuned!
Silly Socks Day
On Monday the 22nd of July all students and staff are invited to wear a pair of silly socks for 'Silly Socks Day'. If you wear silly socks, please bring a gold coin donation to go towards the Year 12 Celebration Day.
Congratulations Mason!
Congratulations to Year 7 student Mason Boothman on his recent win in the Tanjil Valley Art Show - well done Mason!