Principal's Update

We had a beautiful middle of Term 2 across the college with the warm sunshine weather, but it has quickly turned to winter over the past few weeks!
Students in Middle and Senior School have been busy concluding Semester 1 units over the past month, and in many cases, preparing for and sitting exams. We introduce written exams in Year 9 as a way to build students skills and experience in exam settings, as well as their learning in revision strategies and academic rigour. Our students were fantastic in the recent examination period, and I am sure their efforts will reflect their learning this year once results are released.
Semester 2 began on Tuesday this week – an opportunity for students to engage in new topics, and in the case of elective classes, a new subject with a new teacher. We commence Semester 2 early to balance the semester, with the statewide examination period commencing early-mid Term 4.
A warm welcome to the new staff joining us (or rejoining us) for Semester 2 – Dr. Jane Strickland (Health & Physical Education, Assessment & Reporting), Mr. Harrison Puts (VM & Humanities), Ms. Jayde Batters (VM & Humanities), Ms. Kelly Connelly (Humanities & English), Ms. Ramayer Gourley (Visual Art), Ms. Grace Wilson (Science) and Ms. Abby Giles (Finance & Operations).
Parents and community members who drive past the college along Newark Avenue will notice our new gate signs installed this week. These feature signs continue to grow the aesthetics and professionalism of the college, but also allow us to more precisely direct visitors and emergency services if required.
As we conclude Term 2, I would like to thank our staff for their dedication to the college. Term 2 has been one of our more challenging terms in regards to the statewide teacher-shortage with staff on long service leave and winter illnesses starting to impact us. Time and time again our staff have put their hand up to take on additional duties or cover additional classes to support the continuity of learning for our students. I am pleased we are in a stronger position moving into the second half of the year with staff returning from leave and the abovementioned staff joining our great college.
To students and families, have a wonderful winter break, stay warm and stay safe.
Adam Hogan
College Principal