Assistant Principal 

Year 7 & 8 

As we near the end of term 2 and the end of the first semester of 2024 it is an opportunity for students and families to reflect on the experiences, learnings, and progress so far this year. The majority of assessment tasks have been completed and feedback is being provided. Student reports will be available to be viewed soon and with that a chance to review what has worked well and what can be done to improve our focus and efforts. Congratulations to all of our year 7 students who will be wrapping up their first semester of secondary school. Transition to secondary school is a significant step and time in a young person’s development. Our year 7 students have settled in well and have demonstrated a fantastic attitude towards their learning.


Congratulations to all students in the junior school for their hard work and dedication to their studies. I am very much looking forward to the end of semester assemblies and acknowledging all the hard work that has been demonstrated through the awards presented. I would encourage all students and families to take the time over the semester break to go over their reports, their assessment results and think about how they achieved these results, and where they could do more work, as semester two brings with it a fresh opportunity to continue to build upon these skills.


A reminder to our community that the Lalor Secondary College Mid-Year Concert will be occurring on June 18th. This is a wonderful event that showcases not only the great work that our music and instrumental staff have been doing over the year, but also the amazing talent that our student poses. The Event is a free event that will be occurring in the Drama Centre from 6pm. It will be wonderful to see the Drama Centre packed out in support. More information can be found on compass and the schools social pages.

I wish all our students and families a safe and relaxing break and look forward to seeing everyone back in term three.


Joshua Simpson

Assistant Principal