Assistant Principal 

Year 9 & 10

Dear Parents, Carers, Students and Staff, 


Morrisby Careers Profile for Year 9 Students:

We are excited to announce that Morrisby Careers Profile will be conducted for our Year 9 students in the upcoming weeks. This comprehensive assessment tool is designed to provide valuable insights into each student’s strengths, interests, and potential career pathways. Through Morrisby, students will gain a deeper understanding of their aptitudes and preferences, empowering them to make informed decisions about their academic and professional futures. We encourage parents to engage in conversations with their children about this careers process and support students by providing consent for participation.  


This is fully funded by the Department of Education and students can participate if we have parent/carer consent. Look out for a compass incursion notification where parents and guardians will be able to provide this permission. Your child can see a sample of the report here by clicking on this link and using their EduPass logon Career Insights Full Report Sample.pdf


Though Morrisby testing is described as a test, it is NOT a test or exam!


  • Is a series of short questionnaires and quizzes completed online
  • Provides a profile of your verbal, numerical, abstract, spatial and mechanical ability
  • Incorporates your talents, motivations, personality and work preferences


If you would like more information about this, please see this short video outlining this program.


Work Experience for Year 10 Students:

Work experience is a pivotal component of our Year 10 curriculum, offering students the opportunity to gain real-world exposure to various industries and professions. This hands-on experience not only helps students develop practical skills but also allows them to explore potential career paths and make informed decisions about their future endeavours. We are grateful to our community partners and local businesses for their collaboration in providing enriching work experience placements for our students. Parents, your involvement in discussing the insights gained from work experience with your children can greatly enhance their learning and career development process.


It is important that students undertaking placement fulfil all of the requirements prior to the placement. There are a range of posts on Compass with information from myself or Ms Charalambous. There are also resources in the Year 10 Careers team. Information on how to join is in your compass newsfeed. 


Celebrating Exam Success for Year 9 Students:

We are thrilled to celebrate the accomplishments of our Year 9 students as they complete their first ever exams in Maths and English. This milestone marks a significant achievement in their academic journey and reflects their dedication and hard work throughout the year. I look forward to our award assemblies where we can congratulate our students on their successes this semester. 


Jules Ryan

Assistant Principal