
I would like to congratulate the entire school for a very successful semester one in 2024. Both staff and students have worked tirelessly together to develop a culture of cooperation and high expectations. This has culminated in the staff finishing their semester reporting, and for these reports to now be delivered to students and carers. This means all families will have access to the semester reports on Friday the 28th of June. I encourage all parents and carers to discuss each page of the report with their child so you are as informed as possible in regard to their learning progress. If you have any questions about your report please contact the relevant Assistant Principal or Sub-School leader.


As students in Year 11 and 12 have now commenced Unit Two and Four, the non-instructional period is an opportunity for them to refresh and prepare for a very busy term 3. I encourage them to use their time wisely and come back prepared for what is always a challenging time of the year. The more work completed over the break the better prepared students are on their return which helps manage some of the pressure that comes with finishing the coursework in Term 3.

Parent Teacher conferences will be held on Wednesday the 14th of August (Week 5) in Term 3 and is an opportunity for parents to meet with their child’s teacher to discuss how they can support them during the last few weeks of their schooling. This will include what exam preparation may look like for your child.


The Capital Works project is finally coming to an end. The building works have been going on for over 3 years and it will be nice for all students and staff to finally have a school free of temporary fencing. We thank the building company, SJ Higgins for the time and effort they have put into trying to keep the impact on the college to a minimum. Term 3 will mean the school returns to a normal operating environment with returned access to the oval, library resource centre, basketball courts, new landscaped areas, large shade sail area and the general paths of travel around the college. We hope that this relieves some of the frustration recently experienced by everyone at the college and look forward to enjoying our new school.


This Friday the 14th of June is a school Curriculum Day. This is a student free day with no scheduled classes running.

Please be aware that on the last day of this term, Friday the 28th of June, all students will be dismissed at 2.15pm. Please make arrangements as required for the Curriculum Day and scheduled early finish.


All students will return to school on Monday the 15th of July.


I will be absent from Monday the 17th of June to Friday the 21st of June completing some professional learning as part of the Huddle Learning Systems field based inquiry. Julie Ryan will be the Acting Principal during this time, and all inquiries related to the Principal role during this time should be directed to her.

If you have any questions regarding any of the information listed above then please do not hesitate to contact me, and I wish everyone a safe and enjoyable break in the coming holiday period.

Kind Regards,


Corey Jewell

College Principal