Key Dates & Events

Key Dates

Years 8-12 Exams BeginMonday, 3 June
King's Birthday HolidayMonday, 10 June
Parents & Friends Meeting  Click here to registerWednesday 12 June
Years 8-12 Exams FinishFriday, 14 June
GAT TestTuesday, 18 June
Year 10 Work Experience BeginsMonday, 24 June
Term 2 ConcludesThursday, 27 June

Mid-Year Examinations for Years 8 to 12

Mid-year exams for Years 8 to 12 commence on Monday 3rd June and run through till Friday 14th June. The dates vary, according to the year level.


Exam schedules are available on Mazcom via this link:  Mid-Year Exam Schedule

(Click on the schedules above to enlarge)


Please note the following:

Year 8 students have Pastoral Period and normal classes during their exam block.

Year 9 students have Pastoral Period and private study (at the college) during their exam block.

Year 10 students only attend school for their exams during their exam block.

Year 11 students only attend school for their exams during their exam block.

Year 12 students have a day dedicated for exams which is Friday 14th June (student free day).


Years 9 - 12 have scheduled exams in their double periods a week prior to the official exam period, these are indicated on the exam schedules.


Students in Years 10, 11 and 12 should arrive at school 30 minutes before the scheduled exam start time and must have their Student ID card on them for all exams.

Please see the MazCom calendar or visit the Term Dates page on our website for further dates and events.